Chapter 3: Painful Goodbyes 2

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Chapter 3: Painful goodbyes 2

Kayla p.o.v

I was texting jade and I told her I was leaving.Do it like a dude started playing on my phone,my ringtone.

"yello",I answered.

I know you meant to say hello but y'ello sounds so much cooler at least to me it sounded cooler.

"You're not leaving even if I have to chain you to my house",said jade.k

"Or I could hide you in my basement",she said getting excited about her ideas.

"No I have to,but visit me as much as you can and call me to",I said.

"I will,but I still think my idea is much better",she said sad that her plan never went into action.

I could hear shuffling in the background.

"What are you doing?",I asked.

"Getting dressed,I'm coming to school".

"Okay see you later then, bye",I said and hung up.

Jade came around lunch.We sat at ate usual table with our other friends, ronnie, danella, dom, nick and theo.

"So guys,I'm leaving",I said.

Dom started choking on his soda,Nick stopped stuffing his face with food and everyone else dropped their food, Then everyone started crying, well  apart from Dom,nick and Theo,but they still looked upset.

"Don't worry,I promise to call and visit",I said sad that my friends were crying.

"You know,it won't be the same without you",Theo said.

"Make sure you call everyday",said danella.

"I will".

All the football jocks hugged me and gave me a card which was cute.I made everyone sign my stuff ,so now there's ink everywhere.

I was emptying my locker,which was filled with so many memories like pictures of the gang at our annual camping trip, the school trip to France and the Rose I received from Tyler on valentines day with I found annoying and sweet at the same time.

The whole gang came to my house that night and helped me pack my stuff and stayed for dinner.It was like a party everyone from my track,swim,dance,soccer,cheer,volleyball and hockey team came. Matt and Miles invited their football buddies,Olivia invited her friends from dance and hockey and others while Kate brought her cheer-bimbos.It was a really good night,I was going to miss everyone,I thought as a tear rolled down my cheek.

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