"Hi! You must be the new students! I'm Maka and this is Soul! We were told to bring you two to the death room!" A girl with dirty blonde pigtails and green eyes walked over to you followed by a boy with white hair and deep crimson eyes. He was extremely attractive you thought in your mind.

        "I'm (y/n). And this is my weapon Connor," you smiled brightly towards the two. Connor waved from behind you. You noticed Maka's head dropped.

        "What's up? Why the sudden head hanging?" You raised a brow.

        "Well it's just. I didn't think that I would ever meet another girl with a chest almost as big as Blair's, kinda puts a damper on me and my self esteem ya know," Maka sighed.

        "Blair?" You asked as Soul fell over from a nose bleed. You giggled and turned to Maka who now held a book in her hand.

        "Makaaaa- chop!" She threw a book at Souls head.

          "Is he gonna be okay?" You looked down at the boy, "Yeah. He'll be fine."

         You walked down the halls with your partner, Soul, and Maka. You and Maka walking side by side in front while your partner and Soul strolled behind the two of you. You and Maka chatted about a few things along the way there as did the two boys. Until finally you reached the death room.
        The four of you walked in through the doors and down what seemed like an endless hallway until you came into a room with what seemed like a sky with clouds and tombstones scattered amongst the place. In the middle stood a large mirror and a black figure standing in front of it. He turned around upon hearing you enter the room.

        "Wazzup? Wazzup? You must be (Y/n) and Connor- our new students!" The grim reaper clapped his hands together. You and Connor were both a little bit too surprised to reply so you both just nodded your head. You had no idea that this is what the grim reaper would be like!

        "Alrighty! So which one is the meister and which one is the weapon? Also what's your weapons form?"

        You smirked, "I'm the meister and Connor and Claire are my weapons. But I prefer Connor much more and only use Claire when absolutely necessary. Connor transform," You added. Then Connor transformed into a black scythe with two blades instead of one. Together you had quite a few different soul resonances. And he also had different scythe forms. This one was one of the weaker ones.

        "He can also change into different scythes-" you let Connor change into another form and continued, "and we can complete different resonances."

        "Very good! Now. What did you say about another weapon. I don't see one," the death lord said as you smiled.

        "Oh right well. Claire. You know what to do," then a black creature came out of your back. It had grey eyes and had a grey circle around it's face. It's gender matched yours so it was supposedly female.

        "So you have a weapon inside you too. Just like Crona.. Ahh it makes sense now! Your mother is a powerful witch. Makes sense she would do the same to you as Medusa did to Crona. Now what type of weapon is this?" Shinigami-sama asked curiously.

        "Well-" the creature melted into a cloud of black blood above you and you reached your hand in it to pull out a battle axe.

        "Unlike Connor who can only change into different scythes with different abilities. My black blood weapon can change into almost any weapon I want it to," you said as the blood melted away and went back into your body.

        "And yet you still use a regular weapon. Why?"

          "I didn't want this. I don't want this madness inside me. I didn't ask for my blood to be black. I didn't ask for her to give me stupid magic tools to keep me in control for her later. I'm not a test subject. I use a weapon like Connor as a way to tell my so called mother that I don't need or want her around. Along with other reasons..." You trailed off. The reaper just nodded.

        "Alright! Judging by your souls you two will be in the crescent moon class with Maka and Soul. They can take you two. Enjoy your time here and the DWMA!" The shinigami called.

        "You have black blood too?" Maka asked as you stepped into the halls.

        "Yeah. I have ever since Tora put it in my along with the souls of several weapons while I was sleeping," you muttered.

        "That's cool- not the part about eating weapons souls but having black blood and controlling it," Soul spoke behind you.

        "Heh, yea I guess it is kinda cool," you giggled looking back at Soul.

Black Blooded Daughter (Reader x Kid x Soul x Black*Star x Crona)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz