Bad Dreams

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3rd person POV~

          Strolling through the streets of Death City late at night. Not a good idea for (Y/n). And she soon realized it. A scream was heard in a nearby alleyway so she ran to check it out. But there wasn't anything there. All that was left was blood splattered on the walls. Unlike (Y/n)s blood, this blood was red. She sensed a witch soul nearby. But not just any witches soul...

       "I've been waiting for you my dear (Y/n)..."

        (Y/n) woke up screaming as her weapon ran into the room turning on the lights, "(Y/n), are you alright? Was it the dream again?" He frantically asked his meister.

        She shook her head, "I- I'm fine. I-it was j-just a dream r-right she's not coming back for me?"

Your brownish orange haired weapon sighed, "No. You're safe. I promise to keep you safe from her. Now try and get some sleep. Our first day at the DWMA starts tomorrow," the boy left your room and you sat staring at the ceiling until your (e/c) eyes began to flicker closed.

        "Wake up (Y/n)! You gotta get ready!" Your weapon, Connor called waking you up. You muttered to yourself and stood up. Slowly dragging your feet to your walk in closet. You pulled out a pair of black skinny jeans with rips going down the legs and a white top that hugged your body. It cut off above the belly button but then a lacy trimming came out to meet the brim of your jeans. Then you brought your clothes into the washroom and began getting ready. First you took a hot shower washing your (h/l) (h/c) hair and your body then you blow dried your hair and brushed your teeth. You slipped on your clothes and walked into the kitchen.

        "Mmm. What smells so good?" You questioned sitting at the table.

        "Eggs and pancakes," Connor set a plate down in front of you. You scarfed down your food and skipped back into your room. Humming a little tune as you fixed your hair in the mirror.

        "(Y/n)! C'mon or we'll be late!" Connor screamed up the stairs to you. You groaned slipping out of your seat at the vanity table and slipped on a pair of white combat boots.

        You and Connor walked to the school in almost silence until he popped a question, "What do you think the people there will be like?" He asked looking over at you.

        In return you shrugged your shoulders, "How should I know? I've never been there before either," you kept walking.

        "I guess. But what about the teachers-"

        "Don't know."

        "The building-"

        "Don't know."

        "Lord Death-"

        "I have no clue about any of it. We will just have to find out when we get there, right?" You smiled at your partner who nodded his head kindly at you. On the outside you were calm. But on the inside you were wondering the exact same things as Connor was.

        'Will we fit in?' You thought to yourself as you reached the large, very symmetrical building.
        You and Connor started up the stairs but about half way there you heard Connor puffing. You turned your head and giggled at the sight. Connor had collapsed on the ground.

        "Go on without me. I can't make it," he puffed. You giggled again and picked him up, throwing him over your shoulder.

        Once you reached the top of the stairs you set him down and looked around. 'I can't believe I'm actually here...'

Black Blooded Daughter (Reader x Kid x Soul x Black*Star x Crona)Where stories live. Discover now