"You're telling me, the one who actually cleans his room." He punches my arm playfully. Our plates are cleaned up and we are left with the bill. I thank the waitress for her service and head to the restroom to wash my hands while Christian takes care of the check. When I get in the restroom, I realize I have to pee extremely bad. I enter the stall and relieve myself. I thought I heard someone enter the room while in here, but I'm not sure. When I flush the toilet and turn around, there is a guy standing behind me.

"What the fuck?" I say out of fear. Why is this guy here, is he going to murder me?

"I saw you... with your boyfriend. I- I'm jealous of that. I want something like that." He moves forward and puts his hands on my hips, his hot breath hitting my neck. I'm having a panic attack, and I can't move either.

"W-what do you want s-s-sir? I have m-money. Just please, don't hurt me." He's not the kind of guy I imagine being a sexual predator. He's tall, handsome, and very toned, not lanky, hideous, and smelly.

"I want to have some fun!" he yells into my ear and tugs down on my jeans. I bring my knee into his crotch swiftly, causing him to double over in agony. "Agh! What the f–" I kick him in the diaphragm, causing the air to exit his lungs and shut him up. I race out of the stall and pull my jeans back up from around my knees. I slam open the door and run into the dining area again. I'm not sure what to do, so I keep rushing away until I am outside. The cool wind breezing past me is comforting, as I slide down the side of the building to catch my breath.

"Are you okay, Jay?" Christian asks me, standing in front of a few other concerned people.

"Let's go, now please." I take his hand and we hurry along the street, blending into the crowd.

"What the fuck!? What happened back there?" I can't even tell him. I don't want to talk about it and I want to forget it happened.

"Nothing, babe, I just got lightheaded and I didn't feel like throwing up. I'm fine, really. I just need fresh air." His face of suspicion tells me he knows more is going on, but he shrugs.

"Well I hope you start feeling better." I give a nervous laugh and thank him. Now I really feel like throwing up. My mind is racing. What could've happened? I don't want to think about it, I'm just glad I'm out of there and I'm okay. I can't hear anything now, my head is so filled with jumbled thoughts that I'm nearly blacking out. The crowd of people is swirling around me. I can't see Christian anymore, I'm all alone.

Suddenly, I'm being shaken violently to snap out of it. "Jay! What happened?"

"I'm sorry, I think I'm getting sick maybe." We are sitting on the sidewalk, leaning against a brick building catching our breath. Well, I'm catching my breath. Christian is fanning me awake vigorously. I take his hands and look him in the eyes so I can focus on something before I pass out. "Christian, there was something that happened in the bathroom. It was awful. Some guy came up behind me and tried to... I don't know what he was trying to do. He touched my hips, his breath was on my neck, I thought I was going to... to–"

"Hey, hey, hey, shh," Christian says to me quietly. He hugs my head and pulls it into his chest. I let the heated tears flow freely into his shirt.

"Why?" I croak. "Why me?"

"I'm going back. I'm gonna find this guy and call the police."

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