Chapter 26 [📱]

Start from the beginning

"Sorry, this is the first time I did it with someone," Phantasm apologized.

I just glared at her from the mirror and tried to fix my hair and clothes. "Where are we anyway?"

"The Epic building, Fifth Harmony's label. It's about time I give them a piece of my mind—Phantasm style."

I shook my head and waved her away. "No, I'll handle this."

"But, Y/N—"

"I need an explanation. They can't just expect me to say yes to this arrangement. Let me be the one to face..." I drawled out, looking at Phantasm expectantly.

"LA Reid," she supplied.

"...Ella Weed and—"

"No, L-A-Reid. L-A, Los Angeles."

"LA Reid," I corrected, "and ask him why the fuck he's controlling my girlfriend's personal life. So wait for me here."

Phantasm sighed but nodded nonetheless. After checking my reflection one last time, I walked towards the lobby and asked someone where his office was. As soon as the woman recognized me, she led me towards the elevators and out into Reid's office.

"Mr. Reid, Y/N L/N is here to see you," she said, moving to the side so I can enter. She closed the door behind her as soon as I stepped foot inside the office.

Reid stood up and beamed at me. "Y/N L/N, this is a surprise. Have a seat," he said, motioning to an empty seat, "how can I help you today?"

I didn't make a move to sit and opted to stand on the other side of his table instead. "What do you think you're doing?"

He chuckled and sat down. "You're going to have to be more specific than that."

My hands slammed on the table and he jumped in his seat. "Why are you making Camila date someone else when she's dating me?" I yelled.

LA Reid looked like a man who always did his best to stay on top of the situation. He looked like someone who was calm and calculated. That's why seeing him wince at the tone of my voice felt good.

He cleared his throat and smoothed out his tie. "I—it's not what you think," he stuttered.

"Oh yeah? Then by all means fucking enlighten me."

"You're an artist," he cried out, throwing his arms in the air. "You know how PR works. And you even have the wrong idea. We're not telling them to date."

I scoffed. "She said we weren't dating."

"Exactly," he exclaimed. "Camila is not dating anyone. That's the selling point. No one's going to believe they're dating anyway. But since both MGK and Camila need to promote the single, and it's a love song, we have to fuel rumors."

"You bastard."

"It's business," he replied with a smirk. "I'm not telling you guys to break up. You can still see each other off camera. But we need to sell an image that Camila's single. We have to build up rumors if she and MGK are dating or not. That would get people curious. And what's most important—curious enough to buy the single."

Talking about it with him made it clear why this man was in the position he was now. He had a way with words, with logic, that even if you knew he was wrong, he could still convince you of the opposite. And it would've worked with me if only I wasn't letting anger control my thoughts.

"This is bullshit," I said through gritted teeth. "That single, whatever the fuck that is, can sell without all this PR crap."

"Need I remind you that you're just an artist bound by chains and iron balls of contracts? We are the ones who run this show."

Phantasm (Phantasm, #1) - Camila/YouWhere stories live. Discover now