Ignitable - Chapter Twenty Eight

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"Happy New Year, Mrs Lapley." Rubbing our noses together, Cade is smiling down at me as we slow dance with our bodies pressed intimately and impossibly close to each other's, with Auld Lang Syne being merrily sung all around us.

"Happy New Year, my gorgeous husband." Feeling more content than I ever dreamed I could be, I smile up at the man who totally completes me in every single possible way.

"You look so beautiful, Sophia." Cade's hand clasps tighter around mine, the one being so sweetly held against his chest, and the one being held so securely between our now married bodies.

"Today, I feel beautiful. Being here. Like this. In your arms. Married. Today couldn't be anymore perfect." My joyous eyes widen in wonderment at the man who is now my husband. In his matrimonial arms, I look around the beautifully dressed marquee. It is nothing short of majestic. White organza drapes elegantly hang down from the ceilings in gorgeous, sweeping lines. The same stunning organza cover the walls, cocooning us in the perfect romantic backdrop. While the fairy lights, they prettily twinkle above and below us, creating a magical ambience for our wedding reception.

Cade moves in to kiss me, pressing his precious lips so softly onto mine. Then he closes his eyes, allowing himself to shut everything out; just so he can savour my warm lips upon his. We dance like that for a small and loving while. Mouth to mouth. Body to body. We contentedly dance to the song that bids farewell to the old year. When Cade opens his eyes again, his green spheres look so joyously emotional. "Thank you. For sticking with me. For loving me. For supporting me. For wanting to marry me. For making me the happiest man alive." A little overcome, he tries to smile away his emotional moment.

My grin is wide, wide and just as emotional. "Thank you, for loving me. For asking me to marry you. For becoming my gorgeous husband." Swaying in his arms, I try to articulate all of my emotional happiness. "You have made me feel like a princess today, Cade. To tell you that I love you, just doesn't seem to cover what I feel, right now." With only a smile, Cade lowers his doting lips onto mine. The same lips that now gently quiver as I come close to nearly crying.

So my beloved husband holds me harder, squeezing me in his arms to express all of his strong love for me. "I feel exactly the same way, my darling." Ear to ear, Cade then starts humming Auld Lang Syne before peppering my neck with soft and silly little kisses.

Giggling, I both love and hate him doing it. It tickles like hell, yet feels sooooo good at the same teasing time. So, I continue to giggle. I also continue to squirm a little in my thirties inspired wedding dress. As I kick out the bottom of the satin hem with my matching white satin shoes, I tell myself that I shouldn't be squirming so much when my breasts are so safely inside of the delicate georgette bodice. "Stop kissing me like that...otherwise, I might be giving our guests more than an eyeful of what I have inside of here." Tapping the beautiful bodice, I smirk at my deliciously wicked husband.

Narrowing his devilish eyes, his smirk is just as devilish as he places his hands upon my hips. "We certainly can't have that, can we?" His fingers hold me more firmly. "Only I get to see what is under that lovely dress. Which, by the way, I am so glad that you decided to buy...you look beautiful in it." I too, am glad that I decided to buy a dress in the end. None of the rented ones that I had tried, wowed me. Then, whilst out shopping with Jems and Zara, I saw this one in a window of a bridal shop in Cheltenham. It oozed classic Hollywood glamour. Simple, yet stunning. So I made an appointment to try it on, and the rest is now romantic history.

"I am glad that my husband likes my wedding dress." Smiling, I return to where I like to be—snuggled up against his chest.

Pushing me back slightly, Cade amorously surveys me in my dress with darkening wolffish eyes. "Oh, I do." Then pulling me back against him, he turns us playfully around as the New Year song comes to an end.

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