Ignitable - Chapter Thirteen

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By the light of my brass lamp, I read through the notes on my current case. I'm in court tomorrow, so I just need to make sure that I have all the documentation of evidence and air tight facts in front of me. I've been working on this major fraud prosecution on behalf of the CPS, for a few days now, so I'm ready to finally put this case to bed tomorrow. If I get the outcome that both I, and the CPS really want, I'll be able to fully enjoy the weekend ahead that I have planned with Sophia. It's just going to be me and her. A little fine dining on Saturday night at my favourite little French restaurant in the centre of Bath, followed by a Sunday that will be mainly spent at the stables, because Sophia really wants to see my race horses—and what my girl wants, she gets.

I can't tell you how much lighter I feel with having her in my life. The burden of every single day, no longer feels that way. I actually enjoy getting up in the mornings now. She gives my life, new purpose and new meaning. It's akin to being reborn. I feel like I am seeing the world in a whole new light now. It's like I am getting to see all of it, through Sophia's beautiful and optimistic eyes. I love how she can make me feel like that. I also love how she's making me want to open up to her. I have been sharing some of my past with Sophia, because I absolutely want to share my future with her. Shit, I really wish I had time to see her tonight, but this case has me up to my barrister eyes. Exhaling away my incompleteness, I focus hard on the notes in front of me, rubbing my aching temples with my fingers in small and soothing circles. My thoughts are usually so solid and direct. But Sophia keeps creeping into them, causing them to become distrait and vague. Forcing myself to focus harder, I try to push away my perpetual thoughts of Sophia. Just when I think I might have done, she suddenly texts me.

Can I see you tonight?

With a tired smile, I tap in my genuine reply.

I'd really like that, but I'm not going to be finished here until 9...come to my place for 9:45?

Waiting for her answer, I'm still smiling.

I don't think I can wait that long. I'm missing you. Can't you see me now?

My smile fades slightly, frowning as I quickly text her back.


As quick as a few blinks, her next text comes through.

Yes now...I'm outside!

Now my smile literally stretches across my face as I promptly tap back.

No one is in reception...come on up to my office.

Tidying my desk a little, I slowly stand. In just a few moments, the woman who constantly swims in my mind, will be crossing the threshold of my office door. With fluid strides, I walk across the floor space, determined to be there waiting when she arrives, smoothing down my trousers and my shirt as I do. Soon, the door is opening, and there stands Sophia—wearing a sexy little blue dress and a big naughty smile.

"Is anyone else in the building?" Sophia asks, closing the door by stepping backwards against it.

Tilting my head with an amused frown, I tell her. "I think my clerk, Tobias, might be here...possibly my mother?"

Looking behind her, she then turns. "Please tell me that you can lock this damn door?" That's when Sophia spots it. "Yes!" With absolute triumph, she quickly locks it, then turns back to me with a thoroughly wicked glint now in her eyes.

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