Ignitable - Chapter Fifteen

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Throwing my phone violently across the room, it hits the wall and lands with a cushioned thud on the rug. Violence is now burning through my angered veins. Squeezing my head really hard, I'm trying to erase the pictures that my mother has just sent me from my tortured mind. With clenched fists, I hit my head over and over. Just wanting to wipe the gut-twisting images from my brain. Images of Sophia with another man. Being touched and fucking kissed by another fucking man! Pacing, insanely back and forth; my world is unravelling all around me. The seams of my life are just coming apart. With shuffling feet, I turn off the chilli I was cooking and reach into one of the kitchen cupboards to pull out a bottle of rum. Twisting the lid off, I throw the metal cap across the apartment, thinking of the text that my bitch of a mother had sent alongside the photo's, as I start downing the bitter rum.

The tick is using you, Cade. Whilst you are there, she's here in her pretty little shop with another man. I knew you wouldn't believe me if I had just told you...but a picture can't lie.

With the rum burning the sides of my throat, the images of Sophia with another man, burns so much more. As much as I hate my mother, she's right—a picture can't lie.

As much as I don't want to believe that it's Sophia in those shitty set of pictures, it gut-twistingly is. Gulping more of the rum down, I need to numb away those pictures. Numb away every single thought that I have. I need to shut down all that my mother sent me. She's only done this to hurt me. I may be a fool to have cared about Sophia, but I'm no fucking fool about my mother. Pure cruelty runs through that woman's veins. And it's that cruelty that compelled her to send me that text and the accompanying pictures. Even for her, it's a real low blow. She saw that I was happy, and just couldn't stand it. The hardest thing is, the pictures really do speak for themselves.

Sophia is being touched on the cheek by another mans hand.

Sophia is kissing the same fucking man.

I can't unsee that!

I can't wipe that from my tortured mind!

Needing more and more rum, I gulp it down as quick as I can. All the time I can still remember Sophia in those pictures, the more rum I will drink. They say all beginnings must end, this is obviously mine and Sophia's.

Why did she make me trust her?

Why did she make me fall in love with her?

Shit, I need more rum!

Swinging open the cupboard, I grab two more bottles. With anger navigating me, I walk back out to the living area, taking large swigs from my newest bottle of rum and holding the other one with my fingers clenched tight around its glass neck. Slumping myself down onto my sofa, I drink.
The more I think, the more I drink.

I need to forget! I need to forget! I need to forget! Is what I keep telling myself, over and over. What my mother has done, is to be expected. What Sophia has done, is crushing me. I love her. I fucking love her. And this is how she rewards me? Screwing women is so much easier than loving them. With the rum just beginning to take effect, I grab my mobile from off the table. With my fingers just starting to feel numb, I send a text.

Get over here now! I need some relief, Cade.

Marion is one of my former screws. She's been dying to get me back inside of her, so I know she'll not disappoint. I just need to drink until I'm drunk. In that mind-numbing haze, I will need to screw. Being with Sophia changed me. That change, hurts. I have endured enough hurt in my lifetime. I don't do hurt. I can't do hurt. So the only way to end my Sophia torment, is to drink and screw myself numb.

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