Ignitable - Chapter Twenty Four

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This is it.

This is where I need to make a really good impression.

Although I feel completely prepared for meeting Sophia's dad, I'll admit, I am now feeling surprisingly nervous. I can sit in many courts of law and be comfortably confident in each and every one of them, but today, I am actually feeling a little pressured.

It's important to me that Sophia's parents are happy about me being with their daughter. That they're happy that a man like me, is with someone like their darling girl. I know my faults, and I'm pretty damn sure that Sophia's parents will have heard on the local grapevine about all of those faults, too. Yes, I used to be a bastard. But I am now a reformed bastard. A former bastard who is completely head over heels in love with their daughter. So I need today to go well. I need them to think that I am someone who is worthy of being with Sophia. For god only knows what kind of a first impression I have made on Anna Hale. The very first time that we met, I had rushed up to her daughter in the flower shop, desperately kissing her because it was something that I just needed to do. I'm not entirely sure whether that's the correct etiquette for all future son in laws?

Which is why, I'm kind of feeling the pressure as we pull up outside of Sophia's parents house.

Today is important.

I have to get this right.

"If you squeeze my hand any bloody tighter, I think I might lose some fingers." Sophia jokes, reassuringly resting her other hand on my shirted chest as we are slowly walking towards her parents place. "Relax. They're not going to eat you for dinner." Her shapely brows rise high, along with her amused and sculpted cheek bones. Stopping me in my nervous tracks, Sophia is now standing right in front of me with her attractive high-cheeked smile. "My folks will love you, because I absolutely do." Flirtatiously pulling down on the lapels of my fitted black Boss shirt, willing me to kiss her insanely kissable lips, my will totally becomes hers. So I kiss Sophia, I kiss my girl. I kiss her because I haven't done so for about thirty two minutes, and my mouth is already missing hers.

Her soft lips have wonderfully mollified me. The nerves no longer at the forefront of my mind. Now, other things are most definitely taking over my filthy mind. I love that about Sophia. I love all that she manages to make me feel. With my relaxed arms bringing her closely in against my body, I deeply say with an exaggerated and roguish swine of a smirk. "Let's go and meet your parents, before I get totally inappropriate with their very tempting daughter on their very nice driveway."

Tittering, Sophia brings her arms right around my lower back. "Don't you start trying to get me all sexily hot and bothered, that would certainly raise a few eyebrows before dinner." Her own are now deliciously high, so deliciously dark and arched.

"I'll behave, just as long as you do." I tell her in a voice still deeply daring and playful.

With a cheery and chaste little kiss, Sophia agreeably smiles. "Deal!" Then she separates our magnetised bodies, affectionately snuggling up against my left side as we jauntily start approaching the pretty storm porch to her parents very well presented house. Letting ourselves in, Sophia calls out. "Mum?! Dad?!"

Anna Hale, strolls into the welcoming hallway of her house with a just as welcoming smile. "Well, Cade, you've managed to make our Sophia actually be on time for something...that in itself means you're a keeper." She leans in to fondly kiss me on the cheek, in a manner that is just so familiar and friendly. 

"I can't say I've noticed her being late for anything, yet." I admit, looking at where Sophia stands beside her mother.

Now lovingly hugging her slightly embarrassed daughter, Anna chuckles. "Oh, you will!"

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