Ignitable - Chapter Eleven

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Knocking on the apartment door with a gentle tap, I nervously rub my outer thighs, just trying to keep my shaky hands occupied whilst eagerly waiting for it to open. I have been soooooo churned up inside since leaving Cade this morning. Mum told me I could have the day off, but I decided to go and relieve her after I had left him, because the thrilling thought of us kissing, was literally driving me to horny distraction. I just needed to be kept busy, otherwise the day would have insufferably dragged on and on. Dragging to this single spine-tingly moment—seeing Cade again.

When the door eventually opens, the softest of spheres, virid in colour, are there to welcome me. "Sophia." I like the way Cade uses my name. It's like it somehow thrills him to use it. "Your picnic awaits." He says with a wide smile, gesturing for me to enter.

Stepping over the threshold of the door, I slowly move into the candlelit room with a curious smile. In the living area, there on the floor, is a gorgeously laid out picnic. "This is so lovely, Cade." My smile becomes more upturned as I give him a grateful sidelong glance.

"Well I did promise you a picnic, didn't I?" He's playing down how much thought he's actually put into our evening together. Playing down just how romantic it really is. "Do you want a wine?"

Slipping my coat from off my shoulders, I smile back at him. "Yes please." Placing it on the back of his sofa, I look at the waiting picnic before following him to the fridge in the kitchenette. With silent admiration, I watch him pour my drink with sophisticated ease. There's so much I want to say, but for now, I'm happy to just watch him for a little while. He not only looks good in jeans and a dark blue shirt, he smells good. With an impressed smile, I watch him some more. Everything about Cade is so very attractive—his rippled dark hair, his just as dark eyelashes, his masculine hands, his naturally pouting lips, his strong athletic build and his intense green eyes—they now all thoroughly excite me.

As he passes me my chilled wine, Cade gorgeously grins. "Have you had a good day?"

At the end of a quick sip of my drink, I happily nod. "Yes thanks...you?" The polite chitchat is necessary I know, but I'm literally aching for Cade to just hurry up and kiss me. The air that we breathe, is now so very dense with impatient sexual tension. The same air is charged with the most hair-raising of sensual static.

Bringing his wine glass to his lips, he too nods. "It's been a productive day." He says before swallowing down a little of his drink, all the while intensely eyeing me. "Before we eat, I think there's something that we need to get out of the way first." Gently lifting my glass from out of my hand, he carefully places his and mine down onto the kitchen counter. Once both of his hands are free, he slowly pulls on my Bardot top, desperate to eliminate the achingly dense space between us. "You look beautiful tonight, Sophia." With another quick little pull, I'm soon stumbling against him. "Beautifully mine." With nothing left to say, his mouth is desperately kissing my eager lips. He's kissing me so passionately, I feel as though the world might just disintegrate beneath my feet. This kiss.
It's like it's our first, our last, and all the breathtaking ones in between; all being passionately poured into this one long and meaningful kiss. Our feverishly locked lips, means something.
A something that cements our bond to one another. So very quickly, our brief relationship has already evolved into something deeper—unfathomably deeper.

As our numb lips separate, I dizzily look up at Cade with seductive, shuttering eyes. "I have wanted you to do that to me from the moment you first opened your door."

With a confident chuckle, he chastely kisses my mouth again. "I know." Eagerly bringing his arms right around me, he reveals more of his smug smile. "I wanted the exact same thing." With a tender squeeze, he then says. "Now, we can eat!" Threading his fingers with mine, he confidently leads the way towards the wonderful awaiting picnic.

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