"Give it a rest," Taehyung said. "You weren't even studying when we walked in."

Minji rolled her eyes. "And we won't be able to get to it anymore either,"

Taehyung pulled down the white mask surround his nose and mouth, before turning to you with an intense stare in his eyes. "Did you miss me?" he asked.

You didn't bother to look his way, and answered him with, "sure."

Taehyung put on a visible frown. "You're supposed to say 'yes'. Here, I'll give you another try. Jiyeong, did you miss me?"


"Give it a rest," Minji teased.

"Shut up," he stuck his tongue out at her before turning back to you. "Are you still upset with me because of yesterday?"

"You mean when you acted like an immature and rude ass in front of my friend?"

Taehyung just rolled his eyes. "Alright, how about I make it up to you, hm? There's a present with your name on it waiting for you at my house."

"A present?" You nonchalantly glanced his way, trying not to seem even the slightest bit interested. "What kind of present?"

But he knew you was. "If you follow me home, you can find out what it is."

If it was what you thought it was, then you'd definitely go. But, you couldn't just answer 'okay'. There had to be a bit of attitude to your response. "Fine," you turned back to your binder, "I'll come over, but only to get the present."

"Stop acting like you're not excited," Taehyung wrapped an arm around your shoulder and pulled you close so he could mush his head with yours.

"Cut it out," you whined, trying to push him off.

Just then, a group of 5 students entered the library. Two girls and three boys. One of them in particular that was chatting and laughing along eventually lifted his gaze and spotted you with your own group of friends. "Jiyeong!" he called out to you.

Hearing your name, you and everyone else at your table turned to see who it was that was calling you out. To your surprise, it was Mingyu. Once he saw you looking, he smiled warmly and waved in your direction.

"Hi!" you waved and smiled back just the same. But little did you know, Taehyung wasn't giving any kind of friendly looks at Mingyu. It was nothing but dirty looks and sneers for him. And when he took a side glance in your direction, your sweet smile for him didn't help his mood at all.

"Who's that?" Jungkook asked. Then everyone else turned to you for answers.

"That's my new friend, Mingyu," you started to explain. "He's also the person Taehyung was being rude towards. "That was when they looked over and saw the peeved look on his face.

Mr. Shallow || K. Taehyungحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن