chapter 33: until someone gets hurt..

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"Jordyn!" I yelled, as she ran through the house. "ahhhhhhhhh!" she yelled running up the steps. "Jordyn!" I yelled again. "Nicki!" I yelled. She wobbled downstairs. Jordyn immediately stopped and sat on the floor.  "What?" she asked, wearily.

"Sh-she...... You saw that right??" I said. 'Um, what??" she said getting irritated. "I came all the way down here.....what?" she said again.

"Ugh,, never mind" I said. She rolled her eyes and walked back upstairs. Jordyn got up and started running again. She bumped her head on a stand that had a vase on it. Her head hit the floor really hard. The vase fell and the glass shattered on her. "Jordyn! ...Nicki quick!" I yelled.

Jordyn was unconscious as I picked the big chunks of glass off of her. "My baby! What happened??' she said and knelt down by her. "The vase fell on her...get your stuff we need to go to the hospital." I said, picking her up and carrying her out to the car.

I sped to the children's hospital with Nicki and Jordyn in the back seat. "Is she gonna be okay?" Nicki asked. "I think, she might have a concussion." I said.

Sure enough, she woke up slowly and threw up. "eww!" Nicki yelled. "I'm dizzy." Jordyn said. "See.. it's all fun and games until someone gets hurt." I said, looking in the rear view mirror. 

When we got to the hospital, I carried Jordyn into the E.R. We told the nurse everything and we got a room quickly. The doctor said they have to do a CT scan.

"How long will it take?" Nicki asked. "No longer than an hour, and they are wheeling her down to the CT room now." The doctor said. "But, there are a few risks." he said. "Like...?" I asked.

"Well, During CT scans, patients are exposed to radiation, which previous research has linked to an increased risk of cancer. Even with the increase, the risk of developing cancer from a CT scan remains small. However, children are more susceptible than adults to the risk of cancer from the radiation in CT scans and have more years of life ahead of them for cancer to develop." he said.

Nicki and I looked at each other. "But this is highly unlikely right?" Nicki said. he nodded. "But not impossible."

An hour later, Jordyn was admitted to the hospital for 2 days under observation. There was a small about of blood in her brain, were she hit it. Nicki is reeeeeally upset. And she thinks it's my fault!


This is ALL Safaree's fault! if HE was watching Jordyn, then she would have never hit the stand with the vase on it. Now we're all stuck here for 2 days, well at least I am because I KNOW safaree isn't gonna stay.

"I'm gonna go pack some clothes and toys for her." safaree said, and left. "Kay, hurry." I said. "You feelin better?" I asked Jordyn. she nodded. "my head hurt." she said. The nurse came in to check her blood pressure.

"Awe Your so cute!" she said. "thank you!" Jordyn said. "I'm going to give her some pain medication and it might make her a little drowsy." she said and gave her some pills. I gave them to her and she fell asleep within an hour. Safaree came back before that.

"Nicki, go home, you need your rest and you're not supposed to be stressed out." safaree said. I smiled and got up. "Thanks." I said. I kissed Jordyn's forehead. "call me when she's up, ok?" I said. he nodded and closed the door behind me.

When I got home, I changed into my comfy clothes. Then I realized something. "Um, Thembi?!" I yelled. No answer. I called her. No answer. she called back immediately.

"Where are you" I asked.

"Picking up my stuff silly!"

"Well Jordyn got a concusion and now her and Safaree are at the hospital."

"Oh my God what happened??"

"She hit her head.."

"Awe, well I'm getting a moving van to bring all my stuff to your place."

"Um, about that.....You can't stay with us anymore."

"what? why?"

"it's just...we have a lot going on and with this baby we won't have much space."

"oh....oh, I understand." I heard her voice cracking.

"Sorry. Ask Jelani if you can move in with him. He really likes you."

"Re-really? ok I will.  Bye."


I hung up and turned the T.V on.


I sat in the uncomfortable hospital chair watching Jordyn sleep. she repositioned herself every 5 minutes. She finnaly woke up and complained that her head hurts. I got into bed with her and she sat on my lap. Wanna watch some T.V?" I asked her.

I turned it on to Disney Jr. and Micky Mouse Club house was on. "I want mommy." she said. 'I know, but she's relaxing." I said. she started crying. "I want mommy!!" she yelled. "Ok shhh... I'll call her." I said and wiped her tears. I called her and she answered on the 4th ring.

"hey babe!" she said.

"Hey! Jordyn wants to talk to you."

"Hi Jordyn!"

"HI mommy! I miss you!"

"I miss you too, are you felling okay?"

"Mmhhm! my head hurt."

"I'll get better."


"Bye baby!"

She hung up the phone and handed the phone to me.

 When 8:00 rolled around, visiting hours were ending and I had to go home. The doctors wouldn't let me stay. I texted Nicki and told her I was on my way. I read Jordyn's favorite book to her and tucked her in. "I'll see you tomorrow princess." I said.

"That's too looong." she said. "Shh, mommy and I will be here when you wake up. Go to sleep." I said, and turned the light off. "Bye daddy." she said as I closed the door. 

I caught a cab, since Nicki took the car. When I got home, Nicki was still up. "Nicki! your supposed to be asleep!" I scolded. "I know, but I can't stop thinking about Jordyn." she said. "She's fine, I told her we'll be there when she wakes up." I said.

"What? no we have to go to find out the baby's sex tomarrow morning." she said. "Well the hospital is right next to the children's hospital so we can hurry to the building when we're done." I answered. I picked Nicki up off of the couch and started walking upstairs.

"Let me down!" she yelled. "Nope, it's past your bedtime. The baby is tired." I said and kissed her stomach. she laughed and I sat he down on the bed. I got changed and lied down next to her. "Goodnight beautiful." I said, sweetly. "Shut up." she said and readjusted herself. I laughed to myself and closed my eyes.




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