chapter 6: moving day

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I woke up holding Nicki. I can't really remember correctly, but last night I think we did it, if you know what I mean. I guess she felt me get up cause she woke up instantly. "Sorry" I said apologetically. "oh no it's okay" she said and then started crying softly.

"hey, nic, it's okay, trust me." I said to her, putting my hands on her shoulders. She exhaled loudly. " I love you, Faree." she said, smiling. "I love you too, but you need to go get ready, and so do I." I said. "oh really? haha where do you think your going?" she asked with a confused face.

"that's for me to know and for you to find out" I said playfully. "I just can't believe I have to move" she started crying again. "I know, I don't know who I'm gonna tell all my stories too." I said sadly. "Faree, stop with the little sob stories. I'm sorry but, you just have to move on! Dang Faree you have other friends!!." she shot at me.

   "Move ON? MOVE ON??!!" I was screaming at Nicki. "KINDERGARDEN ONIKA. KINDERGARDEN. I'VE BEEN WITH YOUR ASS SINCE KINDERGARDEN!!! I've lost about 10 girlfriends because of YOU. They thought I was cheating. But did I tell you? No, because I knew you would just start hating yourself like always and then start cutting again!" I can't believe I just said that.

She started bursting out in tears, and she ran out. "Nicki, please, I didn't mean It, I swear!" I yelled, running after her.

                                        (NICKI'S POV)

I can't believe Faree just said that to me! He promised he would never bring that up again. He went to far this time. I don't think I can forgive him now. Then he had the nerve to stop me from running out and say "Nicki, please, I didn't mean it, I swear!"

I just looked at him in disgust and shouted "Then why did you say it then??!! huh faree, I thought you love me?"  I said crying again, as I grabbed the rest of my stuff, got in the moving van, and my mom quickly drove off.

"Why you cryin for baby? You gonna miss Safaree?" my mother asked me. I laughed a little. "Yea, um... I guess you could say that." i said and she looked at me confused. " whats wrong?" she said, not taking her eyes off the road. 

" We had a big fight this morning, before we left, and i think it's going to be really hard to forgive him. He brought up the um.... you  know.... cutting." I said, wispering the last part. " But i thought he promised not to bring that up again?" she said. "yea, me too" I replied.

I just remembered that me and Safaree did It last night. "oh my god!!" i screamed out loud accedentally, thinking about what might happen. "what baby?!" she asked. "oh.... um...nothing ma." then i drifted off to sleep.

                                                   (SAFAREE'S POV)

Shit! I really messed up big time with Nicki. but all I'm worried about right now is getting to the airport. I quickly left my parents a note and ran out with my moms car keys.

                       * the note *

dear mom and dad,

i really messed it up with Nicki this time. Im going to the airport

to get on a flight to California. I know you will be pretty

mad but I hope you understand.

love you,


 i drove quicky to the airport, hoping to beat Nicki's mom there. I need to get on the flight to California so i can suprise Nicki at her house before she gets there. i hope she forgives me, i love her too much to see her go.

                              (FIVE HOURS LATER, L.A, CALIFORNIA, NICKI'S POV)

The flight was super long and boring, and i saw someone super familier at the airport. he looked lost. Aaaanyway, as soon as i got off the plane, i saw that there was free WiFi, so i connected to it. then i pressed the safari app. awwww, i instantly started thinking of safaree. i need to talk to him. i called him and he answered.

               * CONVO *

SAFAREE:hello? Nicki?

NICKI: Safaree! look I'm really sorry tha- (GCO)

SAFAREE: yea yea yea, look nic i really got to go, see you later!

NICKI: wait, about last night- ( GCO again)

SAFAREE: ok nic, i got to go!


I can't belive he seriously did that! he hung up in my face! like WTF Faree!?


LEAVE ME COMMENTS ON WHAT YOU THINK SHOULD HAPPEN NEXT!!!ok so i might post more late tonight, if i feel like writing, so if i do then its gonna be kinda short, cuz theres nothing really to what happens next, unless i combine two things into one, then 'ill post it tomarow. GOODNIGHT!!!!!! LOVE YOU NICKI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sorry for any miss spelled words.

ONIKAFAREE: This Lifetime *FINISHED*Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu