chapter 22: Reality is a two faced bitch

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 ( SAFAREE'S POV, 3:00 AM)

I woke up in the middle of the night to screaming, crying and banging. I grabbed my shot gun and ran down stairs. Jordyn was behind the baby blocker thing, crying and yelling "Mommy No!". there was a big bang coming from the dining room. I loaded my gun and ran back there. "Nicki stop!" I yelled. She was having a night terror, which hasn't happened since her father raped her. She was screaming, running around in the dark and falling all over the place.

"Nicki, Nicki, baby calm down it's ok." I said. Her heavy breathing calmed, and she stopped running and fell to the floor. I knelt down next to her and pushed the hair out of her eyes. I pulled her into a hug, and wiped her tears. "See, it's okay." I repeated. she nodded and got back up. "M-my dad...a-and Jordyn.....and, and you....and *gulp* Wayne..." she sounded drowsy. "Wayne and your dad aren't gonna get us. We're fine. Wanna go see Jordyn?" I asked her. she nodded as I led her to the living room.

"Mommy? you okay?" Jordyn asked. Nicki giggled and picked her up. "Yea baby mommy's fine. Just night terrors." she answered. She handed Jordyn to me and started walking up the stairs. "goodnight" she said and continued walking until I heard the door close. "you tired or nah?" I asked Jordyn. she shook her head no. "mmm ok, what you wanna do?" I asked.

She thought for a minute then finally said "Ponies!!". She ran up to her room then came back with a saddle. "Get on your hands and knees" she instructed. I did as I was told, and she put the saddle on my back and climbed up there. "Giddy up pony!" she yelled. I started trotting around the room and she was giggling non-stop.

I saw Nicki out of the corner of my eye. She had her hands across her chest, her head was tilted slightly, and she had a huge smile on her face. Jordyn fell off my back, so I turned around and started tickling her. "stop! stop! hahahahahah I'm gonna pee my pants!!" she yelled. I knew she wasn't joking so I stopped. "shhh, mommy's asleep." I told her. She yawned and started rubbing her eyes. "Hey, I saw that, are you sleepy?" I asked. She nodded her head yes and got up. I took hand and walked her up to her room.

"And they all lived happily ever after.." I said as I looked up from the book I had just read. Jordyn was sound asleep. I carefully got up, turned the lamp off, and tip-toed out of the room, closing the door behind me. I walked into my room and saw Nicki spread out on our bed with the covers kicked off of her. As I got closer to her, I saw she was shivering. I climbed into the bed, kissed her cheek, covered us both up, turned off the lamp, and fell asleep. What a long day.


I woke up at 11:00, and looked to the right of me. No Safaree. Then I smelled an aroma in the air. Smells like......Turkey bacon! I got up, and hurried down stairs. I tip-toed into the kitchen, and saw Safaree standing at the stove flipping bacon. I quickly ran and jumped on his back. He turned around with the funniest look on his face! I couldn't stop laughing. "calm down it's just me!" I said and got down. He pecked my lips and turned back to the stove.

"Jordyn!!" I yelled. "she's asleep. We were up pretty late last night."  he told me. "Safareeeeee. you know she can't get off her schedule, now I gotta keep her up all day and she's gonna be cranky." I said. "sorry babe. Want some breakfast?" he asked. I shook my head no and went back up stairs.

"Jordyn wake up for mommy please." I shook her. "sfajbfwubfugvbd whaaaaat???" she said. I picked her up and she started kicking and crying. "hey! stop kicking!" I yelled. I brought her down stairs and sat her at the table. "why wont you eat I made this for you..." Safaree said. I ignored him and rolled my eyes.

I took the plate safaree made for me and gave it to Jordyn. "Eat." I instructed her. Safaree walked over to me and tried to make me look at him. "Leave me alone!" I said and walked away. He held my chin up so I was looking directly at him. "what the actual fuck is wrong with you??" he asked. "Don't touch me!" I yelled and swatted his hand away.

ONIKAFAREE: This Lifetime *FINISHED*Where stories live. Discover now