chapter 15: Nicki's Flashbacks

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5 year old Onika was sitting by herself at a table in Ms. Frazier's kindergarden class. It was the first day of school. A short little boy walked up to her table and sat. He stared at her and didn't say anything. Onika noticed him and quickly looked down at her lap. She is very shy. The little boy thought she didn't want to talk to him and got sad. He re-positioned himself in the chair and cleared his throat.

Little boy: Hi.

Onika: hello.

Little boy: What's your name??

Onika: O-onika but you can call me nicki i guess. What's yours?

Little boy: Safaree Samuels.

Nicki: oh. Hi Safaree.

Safaree: Hi Nicki. Your pretty, you know that?

Nicki: Thanks. Wanna go play blocks with me?

Safaree: Yea!!!

So they both got up and went to go play blocks. At the end of the day, Nicki and Safaree's parents showed up and started talking.

Nicki's mom: Your son is so cute! Can i get your phone number? We  counld set up a play date!

Safaree's mom: Sure! 404-445.....

Nicki looked over to safaree with a sad face.

Safaree: what's wrong Nicki?

Nicki: i won't see you until tomarow.   :(

Safaree: Don't worry. Tomarrow isn't that far away. * gives Nicki a hug * Hey! ask your mommy can you stay the night!

Nicki: Okay! * Walks over to her mom * Mommy? can i spend the night at Safaree's house?

Nicki's mom: It's fine with me, * looks over to Safaree's mom, who is nodding* I'll drop your clothes off later, Okay?

Nicki: Yaay! Safaree did you hear that?! YAAAY!!

Nicki and Safaree grab their backpacks, and walked out with safaree's mom, holding hands. (PICTURE OF THEM ON THE SIDE -->)


  Nicki and Safaree where laying in a hammock in their secret hideout, looking up at the stars.

"Safaree?" asked Nicki, who was laying next to Safaree. "Yea?" Safaree replied, looking over to Nicki. "Do you want kids when you grow up?", she asked. "Defiantly. What would you name it?" he asked excitedly. "Well, It's gonna be a girl, so probably Jordyn or iesha." she said back.

"iesha sounds too grown. But I like Jordyn." he said. "Hey, It's MY baby. It's not like you're gonna be the father or something.", Nicki said, laughing afterwards. "I hope i am...." Safaree whispered, barley loud enough for Nicki to hear.

"Safaree? You promise to be my best friend forever?" Nicki asked, looking over to safaree. "Forever and always" Safaree answered, And then they fell asleep in their hideout.


My Mom dropped me off at Nicki's house. She told me to come over so we could work on a project. I walked up the steps and heard a high pitched scream. Nicki. I kicked down the door and ran to her room. She was laying naked on her bed, with blood all over her legs.

I stood at the door way with my mouth wide open. Nicki just looked at me like she didn't know what to say. I ran to the bathroom and ran the warm water. Then I rushed back to nicki's room and picked her up bridal style.

"OWWW Faree that hurts!" Nicki yelled. I ignored her, even though i didn't want to, and ran into the bathroom. I carefully sat her into the tub, which was now full of warm water. i ran back to her room, grabbed a pair of underwear and bra. Then i grabbed sweatpants and a tee shirt.

I ran all the way back to the bathroom, where Nick was sitting in the tub, crying. I washed her off, took a towel, and dryed her off. I picked her up again, knowing she can't walk, and sat her on the toilet. Awkwardly, I put her clothes on and picked her up once again. This time, i took her downstairs, sat her on the couch and i sat next to her.

"Are you okay?" i asked her. She started tearing up again and shook her head no, then threw herself onto me and started crying on my shoulder. "What happened?" i asked her, while i rubbed her back. "H-he r-raped me!" she yelled. "Who?" i asked trying to calm her down.

"M-my dad" she answered, sobbng even more. "Shhh Shhh It's okay Im here." I said, hugging her tight. "H-he was drunk and he came in my room really mad and was saying stuff i c-couldn't unders-stand......My legs hurt" she said, taking deep breaths.

When her mother got home, we told her everything. That's the 4th time Nicki has moved since I've known her.

(ONE YEAR LATER, NICKI'S POV, NICKI'S HOUSE)    (p.s nicki is 14 years old here)

I sat in my bed, crying my eyes out. My boyfriend had dumped me over text earlier because I'm "fat" and "ugly". My eyes are so puffy that i can barley open them. I got up, went over to my dresser and got my blades and pills. I took 5 pills, and slowly cut up my arm with the blade. I cryed silently as i moved to the other arm.

I heard a beep, and then looked over to my phone. a text from Safaree. I wiped off my cuts and picked up my phone. The text read:

Hey bestie! just wanted to tell you that you are beautiful! I heard what happened with Chase :( Your too good for him anyways! I smell a sleepover!!! I'll get the icecream, You bring the tissues! see u in 5 minutes!

I texted back "Thanks but I don't feel like going anywhere". He quickly text back a frowny face. About five minutes later, I heard a knock at the door. I quickly go up and put my sweat shirt on. My dumb self forgot about the blades, which were openly laying on my bed.

I guess he saw them, because he ran over to the bed and picked them up. "Nicki what the fuck!?" he looked at me with a confused and angry face. He walked tward me and nearly ripped off the sleeves of my sweat shirt to reveal my cuts. He looked up at me and didn't say anything.

"Safaree i can-" i tried to say, but he cut me off. "NO... Why Nicki? no guy is worth your tears....or your blood. Come here." he instructed me. i reluctantly walked tward him. He quickly pulled me into a hug and said, "promise me you will never do that again."   "i promise."


Okay so that was just a chapter of all the worst/best things that happened to Onikafaree....

ONIKAFAREE: This Lifetime *FINISHED*Where stories live. Discover now