chapter 21: expect the unexpected...

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"What?! No, No, No, this can't be happening!" I yelled through the phone with my brother, Jelani, on the line. "Where is she?!" I screamed. I quickly got myself up and ran to the car even though I look like a mess. Tears ran down my face 3 at a time. I quickly drove to the Piedmont hospital and ran inside.

I saw my brother Jelani sitting in the waiting room with his face in his hands. "Where is she!?" I screamed and cried. He got up and put his hands on my shoulders. "Calm down." he told me. this was the first time I've seen my older brother cry. "look, Safaree and Jordyn are here, and dad is on the way." he said calmly. "why the fuck is dad coming?!" I yelled while throwing my hands up.

He just shook walked past me and sat back down. I sighed in frustration. I walked towards the desk and looked at the lady sitting there and ignoring me. "um excuse me, * sniff * um what room is Carol Maraj in?" I asked politely. "372" she said. I ran to the elevator and Jelani followed. "You know she's not gonna be ok.." he said, breaking the silence. "Don't say that!" I yelled.

the elevator doors opened and this time Jelani led the way. I carefully knocked on the door and Jordyn opened it. "Hi baby!" I said while wiping my stray tears. "mommy come see daddy" she said and took my hand. I looked at Safaree and I could tell he was trying hard not to cry. "hey babe." I said. "hello." he answered. "you ok?" he asked. I shrugged.

I walked towards my mother who was sleeping I guess. "Hey mom." I said as I stroked her hair. "hey erybody" I heard an unfamiliar voice. "Onika? Jelani? Come give ya daddy a hug." He said while opening his arms. Jelani walked away. He tried to put his arm around my back but I shook my head no and quickly backed away. ever since that day when he- nevermind. I don't even want to think about it."um...who's this?" My dad said and pointed to Jordyn.

"uh... th-this is......This is my daughter, Jordyn." I said with my head down. "Hi!" Jordyn said while waving. "yea, um hey....Onika can I talk you outside for a moment?" he asked me. I followed him out the door and closed it behind me. "so you gon tell me that yo are 18...with a 1 and a half year old daughter?" he asked. "Dad, Im married... I know it sounds bad, but I've been living with safaree on our own house since about two years ago. I'm grown!" I said. 

He pointed to the door and said. "oh, you're grown? look what moving out and thinking you're grown brings".  "This is not my fault! and it's not safaree's or Jordyn's either! look I don't know why you suddenly care about my mom and my life. Go back to wherever you came from!" I yelled then started to walk off. He grabbed my arm and swung me around.

"Hey! you will not talk to me like that. Just because you have a house and a kid does not mean your grown. And you actually think I give a monticule of a fuck about your mom? I just came to see her die!" he yelled harshly. "uggghhh! just leave ok? no one wants you here!" I yelled back. He slapped my cheek hard and yelled "shut up!!".

I just stood there with my now red cheek and tears flowing out of my eyes. I calmly walked back into the room. my "dad" didn't follow. I walked past Jordyn, 3 of my aunts and uncles, my grandparents, and sat on Safaree's lap and cried without saying anything. He combed through my hair with his fingers as I dug my head into his shoulder and cried harder.

"Why does my life suck?" I whispered to myself. "babe, this isn't your fault. You couldn't control your mother's stroke. it happened. life goes on. I understand your pain. And you have every right to cry right now. I know it's been hard. But you can't just give up." He said and kissed my forehead.


My grandparents, aunts and uncles, and father had left, and now it was just safaree, me and one irritated Jordyn. I had calmed down awhile ago thanks to Safaree.

"MOMMY! I..WANT..FOOD!!" Jordyn screamed. "ok first of all who the fuck you think you talkin to? second I wish you would repeat your self so I can beat that ass for sayin it twice! you think I wanna be in tis small ass room for 4 hours? No, so go sit ya skinny butt down in that chair before you can't sit down at all!" I yelled at her.

 She started crying silently an hurried toward the chair. "aww baby, I'm sorry mommy is just really irritated right now." I said while hugging her. Safaree hasn't said much since I got here, and I'm worried. He was ignoring Jordyn earlier, and I was gonna say something but I decided to let it go. "babe?" I said trying to get his attention. "what?" he answered kinda harshly. "oh, nevermind" I answered awkwardly.

All of the sudden 4 doctors rushed into the room and started unhooking my mother. "What are you doing?" I asked while moving Jordyn out of the way. "We need to get your mother to surgery as soon as possible or she might-" he started, but the beeper thing went "beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep."

I gasped as the room grew silent. I looked back to safaree and saw a single tear slip from his eye. "what? No! this can't be happening! No, I need my mother! im only 18! Please god! ........She's gone..., she's really gone..." I cried into my hands. "sorry Mrs. Samuels." said one of the doctors. Safaree got up and walked toward me. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me into a hug.

Still in the hug, I looked to Jordyn. She was looking around the room at everybody. Jordyn is a veeeery smart baby, and I think she knew what was going on. I called up my brother, my grandparents, and my aunts and uncles.

10 minutes later, we were all sitting silently in the room, looking at each other. "Um, I need to go.." Jelani said. "wh-where?" I asked as I lifted my head from my hands. "don't worry about it." he replied, then left with that. What the hell? Uggggggh.. I just can't with him right now. "where uncle jelly going?" asked Jordyn. She calls Jelani "uncle jelly", as you can see.

"I don't know Jordyn.." I answered. "can we go home now?" she asked. ".............I guess. Safaree are you coming or staying?" I asked him. still not speaking, he nodded and got up. then he picked Jordyn up and carried her out the door. before that he waved goodbye to everyone. "I will call the funeral home tomorrow I guess. bye guys. Bye mom." I said and closed the door.

the car ride was silent. Jordyn was singing along to this one song called "super bass" by this rapper named Nikki Minnajj or something. (yea I spelled it wrong on purpose calm your tits) Crazy lil girl. I turned the music down. "ok Safaree, what's wrong?" I asked. "What's wrong? your mom is dead... you're acting like nothing happened!" He said almost yelling.

"You know my mom, she's strong. if she saw me being all tore up and crying non stop she would just say " Damn calm down child your gonna see me soon in a couple decades!" *giggles a little* trust me, on the inside, I'm a wreak. And you always say never let a hater see you shed a tear, so im not." I said, sheading a single tear. he quickly whipped it away.

When we got home, I put Jordyn to bed, since it was like 12:00 am, took a long hot shower, and went to bed. Safaree said he was gonna stay up a while to think about things. before I dozed off, I said a little prayer.

Dear God,

I am only what you made me, and I appreciate everything that you gave me. But like, I don't wanna do it no more. Sorta lost sight in who im doin it for. Why did you have to take my mother away from me? I'm too young for this, I need her. Momma always said when someone is taken away from this earth, someone very special is put on it to replace them. Now I don't know who can replace my mother, but I guess we will have to wait and see...Amen.


ok don't hurt me.... that took along time to make cause this week has just been.....uggggggghhh. anyway I hope you like this..




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