chapter 25: your love

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S(11:00 AM, NICKI'S POV)

"Wake up! Wake up Birthday girl!" I heard Safaree say, as Jordyn Jumped on my bed. "Huh?" I asked. "Happy Birthday Mommy!" Jordyn said. "Yea.. Happy birthday mami." Safaree repeated and and I laughed. "Come here!" I said. Safaree belly flopped on the bed next to me and Jordyn knelt down on my pillow. "group hug!!" Safaree yelled as we huddled together. "I love you guys!" I said and let go of the hug. "What we doin today??" Jordyn asked. 

"I dunno, what do you wanna do?" I asked. "It's your birthday." Safaree said. "hmm...Oh! let's go on a picnic!" I suggested. "ummm..sure! You get ready, and I'll take care if everything else. I gotta move the surprise." he said. I smiled. Surprise??" I asked.

"You'll see." he answered. "Ok, thanks. I love you." I said. "Love you too", he answered and pecked my lips. "Ewwwww" Jordyn said. "Oh hush, you'll understand one day." I told her. "Ok, I'll be back in one hour." Faree said , then left. I put Cartoons on for Jordyn, then went to take a shower.

When I got out, Jordyn was asleep. I Put on True Religion High waisted shorts, and a crop top that said "Dope" across the front. My hair was down, with a twist in the front and bobby pinned back by my ear. I put on some black converse and walked out of my closet. "Jordyn! Get up." I yelled. "huh? Mommy pretty." she said. Thanks! Come here." I said. She walked into the bathroom and sat on the closed toilet. I started French braiding her hair to the side.

Once I was done, I picked out an outfit for her. A yellow shorts, white flowery shirt, and black Jordan's. I put it on her, then we went downstairs to wait for faree.

the door open a couple minutes later, and safaree came in. "Ready?" he asked. I nodded and picked Jordyn up. "you two look cute." he said, poking me in my stomach where it was showing. I laughed-screamed. We walked out to his car, his new one, and drove off. "When we get there, cover your eyes. OK?" he asked. "Fine. But I hate surprises!" I said. "You'll like this one." he said.

When we got to Piedmont Park, he covered my eyes and guided me to my surprise. "Ok ready? One, Two..." he said and uncovered my eyes. I saw rose petal, a pink blanket, and a brown basket.  The blanket was in between two bare trees, and he hung colorful sheets above them to block the sun.

I gasped and turned around. "Safaree!" I said and wrapped my arms around him. He laughed. "Look in the basket." he said. I walked and sat next to the basket. I carefully opened it and I couldn't believe my eyes.

I the basket was a small tiffany and co box. I opened it quickly and say two diamond rings, one bigger than the other. "Safaree! OH MY GOD You shouldn't have!" I screamed. "You like them?" he asked. "No...I love them!" I said. He took them out of the box, and placed it on my finger. He slid the big on his. " and this is for Jordyn!" he said, and pulled out a box from his pocket.

"OOOOH For me?" she said. "yes, for you." He said ad opened a box. The box contained a diamond heart necklace. "I love it!" she said as Faree put it on her. "Good. Now who's ready to eat??" he asked. "USSS!" we all yelled. Everyone around us was staring, but we didn't care.

When we got finished eating, we when to the playground. "Stooooop!' I yelled but Safaree kept chancing me.  He was about to catch me, so I took one last leap. That didn't go so well and we ended up falling on each other and laughing until our sides hurt. We calmed down and just lay there looking at the clouds.

"this is the best birthday ever, even if my mom can't be here with me." I said, trying to break the silence. "I'm glad you're having a good time. There's something I've been meaning to tell you..." he said. "what?" I asked. "Well Remember Ashley?" he said. "Uggh, sadly, yes." I replied.

"She's pregnant." He said. "Ew, I feel sorry for that baby. Wayne's the father?" I said and laughed. "No......Onika remember when I didn't come back home until the morning that one time?" he asked. I have no idea where this is going.. "Yea? And?" I asked. "Well I was really drunk and I saw that Ashley was there and I guess we-" I didn't want to hear anymore. I cut him off. "What? How could you do this to me? Your such a cheater!" I screamed and got up.

"No, Nicki It's not like that at all!" He yelled. I took off my new diamond ring and threw it at his chest. I wiped my tears and pick up Jordyn. safaree was running after me. "Leave me alone! I never want to see you again! Go take care of your baby momma!" I yelled and ran faster. eventually, he stopped trying. I got in Safaree's car, knowing I don't have the keys, and just cried.

Suddenly someone opened my door.Jabari. A tiny smile spread across my face. "He-he-hello?" I said. "Nicki? what's wrong?" he asked. "Sa-sa-sa-fareeeee." I cried. he helped me out of the car and pulled me into a hug. "What happened?" he asked. "A-Ashley is preggers with HIS BABY!" I cried.

"what the actual fuck? Ok seriously? Where's he at?" He said. Jabari is much more muscular than Safaree and I know Jabari can do some damage. "No, It's fi-" I was cut off. "NO......I'm not gonna hit him, I want to talk." he said. "Well, He's probably out somewhere in the park." I said. He walked off.


I Can't believe what safaree did to Nicki.. But I want Nicki for myself. I just need a way to get Safaree out of the picture....  I walked through the park with no sign of Safaree. When I was coming up a hill, I saw colorful sheets and a blanket under it.  And believe it or not, there was Safaree, sitting on the blanket alone with his head down.

"Um, excuse me?" I said, getting his attention. He turned his head slightly. "what the fuck are you doing here?" he said. I walked closer and saw he was staring at a diamond ring.

"That's nice. You got that for Nicki?" I asked. he nodded. "You know she's really heart broken." I said and sat next to him. "I didn't mean to hurt her, ya know? I Just wanted to be honest. I'm the luckiest man alive. I've done some horrible stuff and Nicki could have left me months ago." He said and looked up to me.

"Go talk to her. Just to let you know she could really use a shoulder to cry on." I informed him. "I don't think so, she seems really mad." he said, But got up anyway. "I'll guard your stuff." I yelled but he was already gone.


I sat in the car while "fire burns" by Nikki Minaajj played. Which made me cry harder. I saw safaree walk up to the car and stand by the driver's side, where I was sitting. "Yes?" I asked holding my tears in. "Will you give me another chance?" he asked. I gave him that "are you fucking kidding me?" look. "Look I know I messed up an- *ring ring* Hold on it's Ashley", he said. I rolled my eyes.

"What? Really? Oh my god that's horrible. sorry. Ok, bye." he said and hung up. "Nicki, You won't believe this, but Ashley just had a miscarriage." He told me. It is terribly bad if I giggled a little? "What, Just because that poor baby died means I'm gonna give you another chance?"  I asked.

"No, but it makes it easier. Nicki I love you more than anybody in this world. You were my first best friend. My first Love. I want to be with you for the rest of my life. I've made some mistakes, ok a lot of mistakes. But I just hope and pray that you give me another chance so I can make his right. Tomorrow we have to go to marriage counseling.

We haven't even been married one year and all this drama is in our lives. Hell I'm not even 20 yet! But that means we have many more years to get our relationship right on track. I love you Onika. Don't leave me." He said and wiped my tears as I wiped his.

"I won't. I promise. And I will always love you, no matter what." I said and hugged him tight. I always thought Safaree was one of those piece of shit boyfriends, in the nicest way possible, because some times they do things that want to make you leave them, but there's always that one thing that makes you stay. "hey, should I go get Jabari and tell him we're leaving?" He asked. "No, he'll figure it out." I said and laughed. We climbed back into the car and drove off.

When we got home, Jordyn was asleep, so I put her in bed. I came down stairs and Safaree was watching tv. "what do u wanna do now?" I asked. we both looked at each other and had a conversation with our eyes. Safaree Jumped up, and carried me upstairs. I think you can figure out what happens next. *Wink, Wink*

Love is spending your life with someone you want to kill, but not doing it because you would miss them <3________________________________________________________________________



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