chapter 24: I'm doing this for her

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Nicki and I are on our way to the mall to look for a job for her. We enrolled Jordyn in that daycare place this morning, and I can tell it caught Nicki off guard. When we got to the mall, Nicki got out and opened the back door. "oh yea, I forgot." she said and closed it. "Missing Jordyn?" I asked. She nodded her head and said "Yea, a lot.".  When we got inside the mall, we started looking around for the help wanted signs.

She walked into Forever 21 and I followed. We got up to the desk and this energetic girl welcomed us. "Um Hi my name is Jessica!! May I help you guys??" she asked. "Yes may I have a job application?" Nicki asked. "Oh I'm sorry we're all filled with employees. Bye!" she said. Nicki smiled and walked out.

Next we went to Claire's. Suddenly I was surrounded by little girls fangirling over One Direction bags and Pink sparkly sunglasses. Ew.We got to the counter and an middle aged woman was sitting at the register. "Hi  many I see a job application?" nicki asked. The lady didn't look up but handed her an application. Nicki rolled her eyes and took the papers. We went out of the store and sat on one of the benches by the gumball machines.

When she was done, we went back to the woman and she quickly looked over it. After getting turned down by 5 stores, Nicki was about to loose it. "I give up!" she yelled. "no Nicki, you can't give up now. This is for Jordyn's sake. Ok I've got a deal: if you don't get hired at the next store, then we can go home. OK?" I said. she nodded and walked into Red Lobster. I stayed behind this time.

She came out 15 minutes later, Running to me. "I got the job!" she yelled. I stood up, hugged and kissed her. "I told you that you could do it. When do you start?" I asked. "Next Monday." she answered. we walked out of the mall feeling satisfied.

When we got home, It was really quiet. "I'm going to pick up Jordyn" Nicki said. "But they close at 4:00. It's only 2:00." I said. "I'm aware." she said and walked out the door. I went upstairs and started cleaning the room. Nicki was back pretty quick.

She came up to the room, and she looked pissed. "What's wrong?" I asked her. "Apparently,  Jordyn punched some little boy in the face. that little boy is 3 years old.. And now Jordyn isn't 'welcome' back." she told me. I laughed and took Jordyn out of Nicki's hands.

"why'd you punch that kid in the face?" I asked her. "he hit me" she answered. "Forreal? Oh hell naw!" Nicki said and took my wrist, pulling me down stairs. "what are you doing?" I asked. "WE are going to that daycare so I can cuz that bitch out." she saia as we walked out the door.

I put Jordyn in her seat, and we were off. When we were almost there, Nicki looked in the rear view mirror at Jordyn. "And baby girl, If someone hits you, I don't care who it is, you better hit they ass back. Understand?" she said. I tried not to laugh.  We finally got there, and I knew a bomb was about to go off. Nicki rushed into Jordyn's classroom, as Jordyn and I quickly followed. luckily, all the kids were gone.

"Hello Mrs. Samuels, may I help you." she said politely. I love how that sounds. Mrs. Samuels. "No, but I can help you wipe that fake ass smile off ya face." She said back. "Now Mrs. Samuels, there is no need for profanity." she said. Her day care leader, Ms. Elle, is in her 20's and if this goes the wrong way, I can already tell Nicki could take her. "Fine, can you please explain to me why Jordyn cannot attend daycare here anymore?" she asked.

"Your daughter hit another child, that is against the rules." she said. "Um, actually, that little BOY  hit her FIRST, plus that child is two years older." Nicki screamed.

"First of all, who the fuck you think you think you screamin at?? Second of all I run this shit. Maybe if your daughter knew her ABC's then she could understand the word NO. She can't even count to 5." she said. Nicki turned her head to look at me and said. "Cover Jordyn's eyes." she told me. "Bu-" I tried to say.. "COVER THEM!" she screamed. 

I did as told and Nicki walked toward Ms. Elle. "Say it again. I fucking dare you!" she yelled and stared punching her. But  I guess Ms. Elle has been in this situation many times, because it looked like Nicki was having trouble beating her. I quickly set Jordyn down and got in between them. "Stop! Stop! Nicki!" I yelled and swung Nicki onto my shoulder, making her kick her feet and punch my back.

"let me down! Imma kill that hoe!!" she yelled. I looked at Ms. Elle, who was laying on the ground with a busted lip and bruises on her arm. Damn Nic. If somebody finds out about this then she's gonna be in serious trouble.

I let Nicki Down, who had stopped struggling a while ago. I put my hands on her shoulders and just looked at her. Her nose was bleeding. "Calm Down." I told her. "She just called our daughter DUMB!" she said.  "I know, but now if anyone finds out about this, we're in big trouble." I informed her. She picked up Jordyn and walked out. I followed.

When we got home, Jordyn had lots of energy.  Nicki did too. "Babe, let's go to the zoo!" she said. "Yea!!" Jordyn agreed. "Fiiiiine, lets go." I said and grabbed my keys.

When we got there, all Jordyn wanted to do was play in the petting zoo. "Come on Jordyn, let's go look at the monkeys!" Nicki suggested. "Ok!!" Jordyn answered. We walked towards the monkeys and Jordyn's eyes got wide. "Mommy what that??" she said. "That's a monkey! Wanna say Hi?" Nicki said. "No!!!!" Jordyn screamed. Oh my gosh you should have seen the look on her face. Nicki and I were cracking up.

"Excuse me sir Could you take a picture of us?" I asked this man standing near by. "sure!" he asked. I handed him my camera. I smiled, Nicki stuck her tongue out, and Jordyn was crying of course. At least me and Nicki looked like we were having a good time.  "thanks sir!" I said, and he smiled. "I look like a true lunatic!" Nicki said and laughed. " Haha look at Jordyn!" I said. Nicki looked at me and kissed my cheek. "I'm happy we're back to normal." she said. I smiled and said. "Me too".

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After that, we went to Papa Dough's and ate. By the time we got home, Jordyn was passed out in the back seat. I picked her up and we walked inside. "What a long day." Nicki said and poured herself onto the couch. "I know right? And you know what tomorrow is!" I said. She jumped up and yelled "My Birthday!". "Yep! And you know what people get on there birthdays...." I said and winked. "you are so nasty!" she said. We started cracking up.


I was sleeping peacefully, until somebody shook me. "what the fuck?" I said, sitting up. "Happy birthday Bae!" Safaree whisper-screamed. "Thanks, What time is it??" I asked. "12." He said, then smiled. "I appreciate the effort, But I'm going back to sleep. Wake me up in 11 hours." I said then dozed back off to sleep. " I lovveeee you!" was the last thing I heard Safree Say. Sometimes he is just so sweet. <3 <3.


Ok i'll update really soon so Keep reading! Aren't they just so cute?? And nicki beat that teacher's ass real good lmao. COMMENT! VOTE!!

ONIKAFAREE: This Lifetime *FINISHED*Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora