Her hands automatically went to my neck as one of mine went to her cheeks. I missed her a lot, we haven't seen each other since the end of May and its July now. Are lips moved in sync softly, everything disappearing around us until we were interrupted. 

"Okay, kids I think that's enough." 

Jasmine started bursting into a fit of giggles at the sound of her sister's scolding. She pulled away from me, landing on her feet as she looked at Lena and her boyfriend, Landon. 

"Like you and Landon don't do the same thing." 


Jasmine and I  laid in the hammock in her backyard, looking at the beautiful night sky. The moon was full and more than a thousand stars filled the sky. The summer night air brought a chill to my body, goosebumps rising on my arms. Jasmine nuzzled her body into me  as I wrapped the white blanket around us even more. 

"I'm happy my mum finally got to meet you." I say, looking into her violet eyes. 

I'm very happy she met my mum-- having the two of the most important women in my life meet is great. I would always talk about Jasmine to my mum, saying how beautiful and sweet and kind she is and finally my mum wanted to meet her. I just hope they love each other as much as they love me.

She smiles up at me, kissing my cheek sweetly. "Me too. She's so sweet and kind. I just wish I could've met your sisters, they seem adorable they way you and your mom talk about them." 

"They can't wait to meet you, ever since I got home they've been bugging me about having you come to Doncaster or they come here and meet you. Its pretty annoying."

She smacked me on top of my head gently, playfully glaring at me. I mouthed an 'ow' and rubbed the top of my head a smile coming to my lips. 

"It's adorable and sweet. I can't wait to meet them."  

I place my mouth on hers, her soft lips molding with mine in a sweet kiss. I run one of  my hands through her brownish black hair, the soft silky locks sliding through my fingers.  Her hands went to my cheeks, her thumbs rubbing softly against them. 

She was the most perfect girl I've ever met, and I'm glad we met in reform school. 

Her addicting lips detach  from mine, a smile upon them. "I love you." 

"I love you." 


I laughed as I watched Jasmine and Landon dance around the living room, trying to out dance each other. Lena was sitting next to me laughing along. It was nice to just feel like a normal teenager and to not be surrounded by people who just get drunk and get high while not giving a shit about getting in trouble.  I'm surrounded by actual people who are cool and kind. 

Lena turned towards me smiling at me, "I'm glad Jasmine found you." 

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