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Cuts & Threats

' Oh, I'm sorry for blaming you

For everything I just couldn't do

And I've hurt myself by hurting you'

Is it possible to feel so afraid of someone you barely know anything about? Is it possible to feel like your every move is being watched? Is it possible to feel like you're going to die because of someone who probably has psychological problems?

I guess it is possible.

I feel like every time I move or do something I'm being watched. I get goosebumps all over my arms and shivers wrack up and down my body. I really don't understand why James feels the need to watch my every move. I don't know him and he doesn't know me. I haven't done anything wrong to him and he wants me to suffer which doesn't make sense.

I know he wouldn't do anything to me while I'm here in London with my family, but I'm still cautious of everything. You can never be too careful.

Louis had his arms around my waist as we watched tv. It was nice to get to hangout with Louis outside of that hellhole of a reform school, we were actually acting like real teenagers for once. We didn't have to worry about anything, we were just are selves.

"Why do you even like this show?" Louis groans like he's bored to death. We were watching the 2nd season of TeenWolf on Netflix and its like honestly one of my favorite shows.

"I like this show because all the guys on here are hot as hell." I state, casually shrugging my shoulders.

Louis scoffs, tugging me into his chest even more placing a kiss upon my cheek sweetly. I smile placing my hands over his, squeezing them slightly as I cuddle further into his body my eyes trained on the scene in front of me.

"I'm hotter than all them." Louis whispers in my ear, grabbing the remote and switching the tv off so I won't be distracted.

I stick out my bottom lip my eyes grower wide as I look at him. He turned off my sexy boys..

"Why did you do that? I was watching my hot husbands."

Louis chuckles slightly. "So you're cheating on me with guys who don't know you exist?"

"No, were in a polyamory. I get to have a hot boyfriend and sexy husbands." I exclaim, winking at him playfully which he just rolls his eyes to playfully.

"What I'm not sexy?" Louis turns me around in his arms so that I'm facing him in his lap with my legs circling his waist. His pink lips were pouted which made him even more adorable.

"Mmm," I pretend to ponder over his words, a smirk creeping its way onto my face. "No."

He gasps, tickling my sides causing me to twist and turn almost falling out of his lap. I was laughing so hard that tears were coming out of my eyes.

"Stop. Louis stop." I was breathless and my stomach was tightening with every laugh.

"Alright I'll stop, if you say that I'm sexier than those guys."


"Ok, it's your choice." His hands move to my sides again getting ready to tickle me again until I stop him.

"Alright! Louis you're sexier than my husbands!" I yell, cracking up at how ridiculous that sounds.

I love these moments with Louis. He makes me feel happy and not worry about reality for a moment. I feel like an actual teenager again and just not having to worry about things like James and Parker. Parker..

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