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Mysterious Woods ~ Louis' POV

Something about her drew me to her. I don't know if it was the vibe that I got from Jasmine or if it was the teenage hormones kicking in but she was incredibly sexy and I'd do anything to get her alone. It was about 9:30 which meant that it was 30 minutes after curfew.

I hated this place so much. I wanted to get out of here, so bad that I would change my ways for my mum and sisters just so I could be away from this hellhole.

My parents divorced not to long ago and it really hurt me because Im very close with my parents and when I saw the constantly arguing every night like they were on an endless loop, it killed me inside. The fighting got to my head and I always thought that if I changed they would focus on me but all I did was make things worse.

I started drinking, going out to parties, and smoking pot like most teens do nowadays. I'd skip school and wouldn't even care. My grades started slipping and the endless phone calls home were starting to make my parents fight even more which lead them up to meeting with lawyers and finally signing the divorce papers.

I eventually kept up with my ways and I knew my mum hated that I was acting like that. Once I got sent to jail she had enough and sent me to this reform school and I've been here ever since.

I know it's a horrible way to act when it comes to parents divorcing but you can't help but want to change after something terrible has happened to you without expecting it. Everything feels like its crashing down and you can't stop it. Its hard to have your parents splitting up. You look up to them to set a good example for you but when you have to switch off weekends to be able to spend time with your mum and dad it's hard because let's face it, everyone wants to have the perfect little family that doesn't exist.

I sigh as I walk down the empty corridor towards Jasmine's dorm room. It was eerily quite which gave a weird feeling about to night. Should we even go?

I shrug off the creepy feeling as I knock on Jasmine's door. I hear muffled sounds behind the door before she opened it in a tight black tank top and tight denim jeans, showing off her amazing curves.

Damn could this girl get any sexier? Jasmine was a beautiful girl. Her eyes were the most interesting shade of violet, along with the dark color of her hair, and her skin was dark but not to dark either. I don't get why I intimidate her but I like it.

I smirk at her as she raises her dark eyebrows at me. "So are you just gonna stand there and eye rape me or are we gonna go smoke." She crossed her arms under her chest making her cleavage pop out a bit more. My eyes darken as they wander back up to hers.

"I'd put a jacket on if I were you." I tell her. I was starting to get aroused and that's not a good thing.

She scoffed rolling her gorgeous eyes at me. "Why?"

"Because I don't think I can control myself when your cleavage is hanging out like its no big deal." I say bluntly without care if I made myself sound like a pervert. It was true and I wouldn't be able to control myself.

She blushes and stutters awkwardly before running back into her room grabbing a hoodie. She slips it on over her head and pulls her hair out of the collar, dropping it off to the side.

"Umm.. lets go." she shuts her door and follows me once I start walking down the hallway again. Jasmine walks besides me with her hands her pockets.

She's awfully quite and she's seems like an innocent girl so why would she be in a reform school for kids with problems? We make it outside carefully without getting caught and walk across the campus towards the woods.

"So how'd you get in here?" I ask her, getting tired of the quietness we were being drowned in.

She looked at me from the corner of her eyes before shrugging her shoulders nonchalantly. "Just same stuff most people are in here for. I got into couple of fights in school, drank a lot, smoked pot a lot, and cursed my mum out. No big deal."

Damn I didn't think that she could actually be like that? I wonder what made her act like that.

"What about you? Why are you here?" she flips her hair over her shoulder so it didn't fall in her face or eyes.

"Same things as you but I got sent to jail for some vandalism back home and my mum said she couldn't deal with my behavior anymore, so she packed up my things and took me here." I tell her, the flashbacks from the day I first came here flooded my mind along with my mum's voice.

"I'm doing this because I love you, Lou. I miss the old you and I want you to get better. Just please understand things you've put me through aren't you, ok?"

We eventually make it to the woods and I instantly spot an amber glow coming from the fire the group always makes when we do this. We do this every Thursday even though its hard to control the craving for a cig. I grab onto Jasmine's hand so I don't lose her. We walk through the woods that were sending bone chilling shiver up my spine.

We really shouldn't have came here..

As soon as we make to the fire where everyone was sitting, I let go of Jasmine's hand and snatch the cigarette Kyle held out for me right of his hand. I love me a good smoke.

"Who's the chick?" Kyle questioned nodding his head towards Jasmine.

"The new girl I was telling you about yesterday, man."

"Oh." Realization hits his features. "She's the new girl? Damn she's a fine piece of work if you ask me." He licks his lips instantly making me narrow my eyes at him.

I don't like the way he's looking at her. I can only look at her that way..


After awhile, some of us decided to head back. These woods were really starting to give me the creeps. Jasmine and I started walking through the bone chilling woods occasionally stepping on sticks or twigs. You know the feeling you get when you feel like somethings gonna go wrong, like when your stomach starts to churn and your heart starts to hurt in your chest. I also got this creepy feeling that Jasmine and I were being watched. I grabbed onto her hand and pulled her closer to me, wrapping an arm around her waist.

"Louis do you feel like we're being watched?" she asked looking up at me. It's like she got same feeling I did.

"Ye-" I cut off blood curdling scream and the sound of a gun being shot off.

Why the hell was this happening again? I grabbed Jasmine's hand again and started to run as fast I could. We made it out of the woods quickly and ran all the way towards the main building.

We got inside swiftly catching are breathe as we both leaned on each other. Jasmine was shaking. She was terrified I could tell but not of me but what she heard.

"What the hell is going on here at this school?!" She exclaims, running her hands through her hair exasperatedly.

The only thing I could think of was the one person who always thought it was funny to do this to people. Especially when we get fresh meat... Parker..

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