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Beating Heart

James pulled me up off the floor and I sighed really not caring anymore. I really didn't care if I was still alive when I came back; I didn't care if I was dead. Knowing that I'm not going to live any longer sucks any hope I have in me out and replaces it with realization.

"Aren't you going to do anything," Janes stops us on the steps, looking at me over his shoulder. "Like cruse me out or try to get out of my grip?"

I lift my head from my dirty feet and look up into his blue eyes. I sigh, my body feeling numb from the words that leave my mouth.

"Why try when I'm just going to die anyways."

I swear I thought I saw James wince at how cold my words were but that probably was my imagination. The words I spoke were as cold as I felt - I give up and I know nothing I do will help me at all.

The light from upstairs hurt my eyes. I was so used to the darkness of the basement that I forgot how bright the light was. James lead me over to a chair and sat me down in it.

I wondered why he hadn't killed me yet but then I remembered something:

"What do you want, James? Just kill me already or you're just a little scaredy cat that has to have other people do his jobs for him."

He didn't see to like that because before I knew my cheek was burning and I hand tears in my eyes. He smacked me..

"You're such a little bitch. No wonder why your dad left your family."

How did he know that?

"H-How do you know that?" I ask shakily. He can't know that, he seriously shouldn't know that.

"You'll find out soon, if you live by then." He laughs again before tossing the water bottle at me and walking back up the stairs slamming the food behind.

"So are you gonna tell me how you know about my dad leaving my family?" I question, my voice tired and raspy.

Haven't been able to sleep the last couple of days knowing that I was going to be gone in less than a couple of hours.

He chuckles, "You really must be on it today."

"No, just reminiscing on things before its my time." I reply nonchalantly.

There it was again, the thinking that he flinched but he didn't. I needed to stop hallucinating.

"Well," James starts "Basically your dad married my sister."

Wait what?

I raise my eyebrows as he continues, "I saw you at their wedding and I knew something was going on with you. You're eyes were dull, you're face was unhappy and everything about you was just.... depressed."

"Well that's because I have moderate to severe seasonal depression." I pull my legs up to my chest.

"So that's the reason why you're not doing anything about this, the giving up part?" He asks.

"Not really. I've made up mind and decided to accept my fate. Louis won't come after me anyways so it doesn't really matter."


I was back in the basement again, it's weird knowing that my "uncle" wants me to die but I really didn't care. I don't care who kills me at all..

As I was about to fall asleep a loud bang sounded from upstairs and the person I never thought I would see again yell sounded throughout the house.


"I can't face this now everything changed

I just wanna be by your side, here's hoping we collide,

Here's hoping we collide," -ellie goulding

Author's Note:

I'm so sorry!!! I've been so busy and I know it's not a good excuse but yeah!

I got a lot going on and I have a solo in choir that I've been practicing a lot for and same with show choir auditions!

Again I'm so sorry!

I hoped you liked this chapter!!

I love you guys lots!!

Two more chapters left!!): Then a two part epilogue!


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