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Hey you guys! Sorry I know you were expecting an update but don't worry I'll be updating tonight! It'll probably be a double upload.(:

Ok now I'm going to be talking about something serious. Im getting surgery on my knee this weekend so I probably won't be on wattpad at all those two days because I'll be resting. Also I'll be gone for 5 days starting on the 27 of December, I'll be in Virginia visiting my dads family with my older sister. I'll try to update during those five days but probably because I haven't seen my family in almost 3 years.

OMG! You guys are amazing, the response for this story is seriously making me happy! Everytime I get a new reader or someone who adds this to their reading list makes me so happy! Lately I've been feeling down because my grandpa has Alzheimer and its been hard on my family and me so you guys make me feel so much better when I'm down. I love you guys so so much!

I'll be posting a double upload tonight maybe! Thank you guys so much a d don't be afraid to comment or vote on the chapters! I love hearing what you have to say.(: You guys can always message me or kik me ( soccerstar_jch) if you just need to talk or rant lol.(:

Wish me luck with my knee surgery!

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