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Soft Touches & Warm Kisses

The events from last night played in my head over and over again on a loop that I couldn't seem to stop. Someone died last night and I was lucky enough to get out of there with Louis while I could. I know I need to stay away from Louis now and I do not want to go back in the those woods again.

Math was dragging on and on while kept staring at the clock wishing the hands would go faster. As the teacher was teaching up at the board, I could feel eyes burning a whole and the back of my head making me move in my seat uncomfortably. The eerie feeling from the woods came back as I flipped around my eyes landing on light bluish grey ones.

The boy was cute not as cute as Louis but cute. He had blonde hair that was spiked in a perfect quiff, his lips were full and rosy, and his facial features were sharp and chiseled. He was smirking at me mischievously. Why the hell does every guy have to look at me like that?

I turn around as soon as the bell rings, and quickly gather up my stuff rushing out of the classroom. I have a feeling that, that boy was in the woods last night. I don't know why I do I just got that eerie vibe from him. I don't get why he looked at me like that. It looked like he has something planned but Im not gonna push it.

I ran a hand through my hair as I walked across campus. I swear this school is crazy. I was almost to my dorm until I was stopped by the guy I've been trying to stay away from.

"Hey Jasmine." Louis smirks at me, flipping his hair out of his eyes. Why is he so cute... what's wrong with me?

"What do you want Louis?" I say as I unlock my door and enter the room, Louis following after me.

He chuckles like he always does. "I came to see if you wanted to go somewhere with me."

I place my bag in my chair and sit on my soft comforter. "Well where are we gonna go?"

I bite my lip as I look up at him through my lashes. His eyes widen a little as they turn to a darker of blue and I sit waiting for his answer. While I was waiting I let my eyes wonder over him. He was wearing a light blue v neck that showed off the black ink on his skin, black skinny jeans, and blue vans that matched his shirt. He looked really good today, like really good. What the hell is going on with me today...

"You'll see."

I roll my eyes at him before getting off of my bed, walking towards him. "Lets go."

I can't believe I'm agreeing to this. I know I'm intimidated by him but I don't understand how every time he asks me to hangout I agree. He just does something to me that I can't explain and I don't even understand why it happens to me.

Once we start walking towards the woods my heart literally drops to my stomach and I feel like I'm going to throw up. Why would Louis take me back here after what happened last night? Does he want us to get killed!?


"Jasmine I promise nothing will happen to you ok?" his voice sounds sincere, so when he holds his hand out I grab onto it as he pulls me through the woods. The sky was still light out but I knew it was going to get dark soon and I was afraid that the events from last night will replay while we're out here. I really thought this school was safe but it really isn't if I can smoke and sneak out of the dorms without getting caught by anyone. They probably don't care about us.

"Here we are." Louis' voice pulls me out of my thoughts as my eyes widen in amazement.

He took me to some part in the woods that has a very wide stream that I can see all the way to the bottom which means its clean. The sun was starting to get lower creating a orange glaze in the sky which was beautiful.

"How'd you find this place?" I ask curiously my eyes gazing over the scenery.

"I just found it one day while I was bored." He tells me. I turn towards him watching him look at the sunset. He looked in deep thought which confused me. Why would he be in deep thought?

I kept looking at him until he caught making me blush and look down. He chuckled before I felt his hand go under my chin lifting it up. He stepped closer to me are chests touching to the point where a sheet of paper couldn't be slipped between us. He gently caresses my cheek his eyes flicker from my lips to my eyes going back and forth like he can't stop. I bite my bottom lip causing Louis to groan as he pulls my lip away from my teeth.

"Don't do that." he whispers huskily making my heart beat erratically inside my chest. The things this boy does to me..

One of his hands slides down to my waist and the other stays caressing my cheek. He's driving me insane and making me feel so weird at the same time. My legs feel weak and my heart speeds up even more as he starts to lean in. Is he going to kiss me? My eyes flutter close once his lips softly brush against mine making me anxious. He does it again and I know he's teasing me which is pissing me off a lot.

I sigh, wrapping my arms around his neck pulling him down until his lips crash onto mine. His were slightly chapped but soft at the same time. Are lips move in sync and I get crazy butterflies through my stomach. How can something so wrong feel so right? He scares me but here I am kissing him in the woods where someone has gotten murdered. I seriously have problems..

His hands roam all over my body making me moan softly into his mouth which let him slip his tongue into my mouth. Are tongues tangle together and I start to loose my breathe. Louis stops kissing me, his luscious lips moving down to my neck as he leaves sensual kisses up and down making me moan a little louder than before. My hands grip into his brown once he found my sweet spot.


He pulls away from my neck a smirk plastered on his swollen plump lips. My eyes stay on his lips as he speaks.

"Lets go back to your room."

My eyes lock on his as I nod my head him grabbing onto my hand. He pulls through the woods swiftly. I know what's going to happen next but I don't feel like stopping it and he doesn't either. We shouldn't do this but I don't care. We make it back to my dorm room and I unlock it quickly. Once I'm inside Louis instantly kisses me but faster than he did in the woods. His hands go up my shirt sending chills up and down my spine.

Hope I don't make the wrong decision..

Authors Note:

This chapter is very short. Sorry I haven't updated in along time. I've been throwing up violently for the past couple of days so I haven't been able to do anything. I'm still pretty sick but I updated!! The trailer is on the side>>>

It's the first one that I made on my own so yay!(:

I love you guys loads!

-DiamondInTheRust x

P.S. Ill be posting a new story tomorrow!

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