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[Not edited]

Violet & Blue

"Louis, where are we going?" I giggle, grasping onto Louis' arm as we walk through a meadow of beautiful purplish pink flowers, that smell sweet. He looks at me smiling sweetly before placing a chaste kiss to my lips.

"You'll see, babe." He tells me, pulling me further through the meadow.

We keep walking for awhile until we stop in the middle of the flowers, he grabs a hold of my hand gently pulling me to lay down next to him. I aimlessly look up at the evening sky, the pretty colors of purple, blue, and light pink mixing together into a dark blue. The air around us was warm, but the light breeze brought a slight chill to my bare arms.

Everything felt perfect. No problems, no secrets, no nothing, just me and my amazing boyfriend Louis relaxing underneath the night sky. It felt way to perfect to be real like its a dream but I didn't want to think about that right now.

Louis' muscular arms found there way around my waist, pulling me against him tightly. I relax myself in them nuzzling my face into his red shirt, my gaze then traveling up to meet his face.

He looked serene, like nothing could have bothered him even if they tried. He had a faint smile on his pink lips, his bright blue eyes glowing. He looked beautiful to be honest almost god like and I seriously wanted to kiss the mess out of him.

I gazed at him for a couple more seconds before climbing on top of him, straddling his waist with my knees on either side of him. Louis' eyes meet my violet ones a soft smile gracing my lips before I leaned down and kissed his lips. He smiled before resting one of his hands on my waist, running his oddly, cold fingertips under my red flannel while leaning up on his left arm.

Gently, my fingers curl into his soft brown hair pulling slightly on the ends, inflicting a soft moan from his mouth. I chuckle at his reaction, detaching my lips from his, resting my forehead against his, caressing his cheek softly.

"You're beautiful, you know that?" He whispers softly against my lips. I smile at him pulling my forehead from his taking his hand that was on my waist into mine locking my fingers with his.

I felt a blush creep up my neck and make it way up to my cheeks. My eyes traveled from the bottom of his shirt, up his chest, his collarbones, to the stubble on his jaw, his lips where my eyes lingered.

"No," I say softly "But I do now." I look into his eyes, smiling softly at him.

I place my hand on his jaw, my fingers stroking it softly the stubble pricking my fingers. Louis was perfect and I couldn't have asked for a better boyfriend.

Right before Louis placed his lips on mine, I felt a hand come around my neck, me being pulled off of him and a small scream escaping my lips.

Louis' eyes widened as I felt the cold metal of a knife touch my neck. The beautiful scenery around us whisked away like the wind and turned into the forest outside of the school. The wind blew harshly nipping at my skin, the moon was full and low in the sky creating an erie feeling.

"I told you I would get my revenge Louis." The sickly, familiar voice from the mystery man filled my ears, my body instantly tensing at the sound of it.

"Dude, she has nothing to do with this. Let her go." Louis says calmly, trying to reason with him.

"Oh, she has everything to do with this, Louis. You watched me suffer and now it's your turn to suffer."

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