Capsule Monster Chess

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She rushed after Yugi but maintained enough distance not to be noticed. Yugi stopped in front of a store making her duck under a car. Good thing she was small and sleek enough to hide in small and narrow hiding spot.

   Watching a boy cut in line she settled herself before the shouting began. A old man was yelling at Yugi about breaking his so-called expensive machine. Alice would burn his store down, she reminded herself to find old man Dentures Store.

  "Meow," She heard. Meowth peered at what was going on before ran away. No doubt Meowth had been stealing from Old Dentures. As Meowth left a new boy appeared with thick hair covering his face.

The boy revealed himself as Seto Kaiba's little brother. "Get him !" Little Kiaba ordered as the little kids the size of Yugi brought out tazers and guns. What kind of world is this !?

Watching Yugi get kidnapped she quickly grabbed the wad of money meant for the sleazy geezer.


"You let my friend get kidnapped and now you will pay," She warned as she stood in front of the shop keeper. Linoone snuggly wrapped around her neck while Meowth was being held by her. "Houndoom use Flamethrower," She ordered.

With the man tied up she had the whole shop in flames. Screams of agony could be heard but she followed her pokemon to where Yugi was being held. "Meowth, Houndoom, return," She said before entering the warehouse.

  "Yugi !" She called as she rushed to the panda. "Look, here's his girlfriend. Let's cut off one of her fingers," One of the brats waved a sharp knife at her. Why does a little kid have a knife ?!

"Get your dirty hands off her ! Goddamn brats !" Yami snapped causing them to back away. The leader, Kaiba's little brother seemed to know as much about Yami as Kaiba did.  "Instead of sitting around and bragging, How about we play ?" Yami commented.

"I've chosen the Planet Gangstar Playing Field Version 1, 'Crisis Hill'. It's my favorite field !" Crisis Hill was pretty open, at most was small hills or whatever they were supposed to be. Either way it was pretty open and basic looking.

   As the two got their capsule monsters from the machine she noticed Yami five was composed of a trio of 1's,  A 2 and a 4. Kiaba brat however had a pair of 4's and a trio of 5's. This smelled rigged. Good thing I burned the geezer and his shop down, she thought as Linoone snuggled against her neck.


"Yugi ! It will be boring if were not risking anything ! If you loose I get your girlfriend and her ferret," The little monster commented as he brought out a gleaming knife. Scared she squirmed until Alice was forced to hug her against her chest.

  "Okay ! And if I win... You'll receive a Penalty Game !" Yami promised.

Looking over at the Capsule Monsters she gave a scared shriek at the hissing cobra monster. Burrowing headfirst into Alice's arms she could feel her trainer stroking her fur soothingly.


She knew that bird monster, Yami would win this ! Having sacrificed all his other monsters to lead the brat into a slaughterhouse. All in a neat little line and he never noticed, she thought. She had noticed from the start of what Yami was up to.

As the Penalty Game began she saw what it was, a human sized-capsule appeared. But it was just an illusion because she egg shaped capsule disappeared.  "Heh...heh... Yugi .... My brother is steadily preparing his revenge ! The Secret Directive 'Death T' !" The brat promised before the capsule shut itself.

   "Agh !" He screamed in terror.

"Sorry to break it to you but your not my enemy ! Think about that while your shut up in that capsule !" Yami commented. Only the boy screamed in terror how dark and small it was. He cried for his brother while the lackeys tried to help.

"We'll play again when you understand the lessons I've taught you."

Such lessons like never being overconfident,  that show's your weakness. Never loose your temper and finally save your trump card for last.

"I don't know if he will. The Kaiba brothers seemed to be blind by their revenge and other morals they don't have," She pointed out. "True," He replied before looking at her with those red eyes.

"I had some of my pokemon track your scent when I was informed that Yugi had been kidnapped," She answered.

Much later

When Yami left she had to explain to a confused violet eyed panda that she had followed after Yugi and rescued him. "Thanks Alice," Yugi gushed before hugging her.


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