Millennium Enemy Part 5 Fight ! Fight !

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Something seemed off about Bakura. Not just that Yugi and the others survived by the skin of their teeth. His left hand began to move again, like it had a mind of it's own as Bakura stared at it with disbelief. 

  Curious and curiouser.

  Perplexed he snuck behind and saw the message said rouge hand had typed. I won't let you control me any more ! I'm going to help my friends strike you down !

  Seeing this Bakura dragged his computer out of the left hands reach. He's cheating, I just know it ! An idea came making his grin widen. Bakura could not see  or sense his presence, If this guy is going to cheat then so will I !

  As the die were rolled, Bakura had a 00. Not for long ! When all eyes turned to Yami's die did he even things out. From a 00 to a 10. Haha, how do you like those apples ?

  Pleased to the point where Spritzee would have called him 'Tickled Pink'. More like purple, He thought still chuckling. "Your evil," Misdreavus commented with a smirk in her tone. "And proud of it !" He replied.

  "Well I changed his die, they felt off," Misdreavus added. Ah it felt good to even things out on a far more fair level. It was the left hand that had the weird die as they rolled a 99. "Fumble !" They cheered.

  Zorc fumbled and blew himself up.


"Hahaha ! How do you like that, Ryo Bakura ?How does Durable Poly resin  feel ?" Bakura laughed as he impaled his left hand through a tower. Surprised of the sudden gore she backed away.

   I think I feel sick. Seeing the sudden gore as someone maimed himself on purpose made her feel ill. On the other not fluffy haired Bakura is being controlled by his Millennium Item.

   Nauseous she continued to watch on as Zorc's handless limb....Well a little figurine of Bakura was pulled out. What happened to pulling a rabbit out of a hat ? Now where pulling people out of arms ?

    White Wizard Bakura at Level 13 requested to join Yugi's Team. 


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