The Model Invites

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Okay, how the hell do I get myself into situations like this ?! She mentally panicked as she was stuck like a statue. Trapped in a room with a freaking tiger who would probably take a bite out of her !


Anzu was babbling about how she finally got Aileen Rao's Super Exercise. Yawning from her spot she watched as Anzu fangirled over that 19-year old Aileen Rao, a supermodel. And for some reason Gramps had heard of her. Seemed the Supermodel was here in Japan.

Once she was a ordinary dancer, she's appeared in many Broadway Musicals and was now  Anzu's idol. Oh yeah, Anzu wants to be one too, She thought. Anzu had confessed that one time where she ended up having a gun to her head. Wonderful time, She thought sarcastically.

"This video shows Aileen's dancing and how she got those proportions," Anzu gushed as she heard the door swing open. "I'm going to do a lot of exercise !" Anzu squealed as she twirled around. Is this girl on a sugar hype or something ?

"Welcome," Gramps greeted. As a exotic beauty appeared, She looked like she had  India heritage or something similar. "It's a foreigner, grandpa," Yugi whispered behind his hand. "I hope she can speak Japanese," Gramps whispered back.

"This person has such great proportions," Anzu commented.


"Ahh !" A annoying yell woke him up. Opening a eye she noticed a stupid female human was acting brain dead. Taking in a new scent she smelled something exotic and pleasing but then the horrible smell of cigarette smoke.

Frowning she began to clean her face.

"Aileen Rao !" Anzu yelled. Surprised she jumped up with a loud startled yowl. Lunging at the girl who continued to babble. Get a taste of my Fury Swipes,  she thought as she scratched the girl's face. "Ah !" Her victim screamed in pain.

Before she knew it, she was in someone's arms. The faint smell of cigarette did not cover that exotic smell of spices and even the sweet mango. Her nose wrinkled at rhe unpleasant smell, did this human smoke or had she walked too close to a human who did ?

   It felt so good, now if only this woman stopped smoking and then she picked up another scent. It wasn't a good one, she smelled this person's scent before and that person was no good. Who was this woman with a bit of Seto Kaiba's scent on her ?

She was in Alice's arms now. Bewildered she watched as the woman left and cue more screams. Ow ! My eardrums ! She snarled as she lunged again to attack and claw the offenders face off.


At the woman's apartment she learned she was half Canadian and Indian. Pretty obvious from the pretty exotic clothes that Alice commented on.

As she prowled around the room while Alice and Yugi set up a game she smelled another feline. Leaping on a table she looked  into another room were she saw Rao whisper something to Anzu. The smell of the feline was stronger in that room.

Taking another whiff she could tell. Bigger and most definitely male.

Rao then got Alice into the room and whispered into her trainer's ear. This can't be good. According to this scent the feline was much bigger and stronger, She'd have to evolve to stand a chance if she was forced to fight against this unknown big cat.

"Alice ! Anzu !" Yugi yelled.

Rao worked for Kaiba it seemed. So that's why she has his scent on her.

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