The Poison Man

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After the whole Kaiba incident things had calmed down and the best part was Kaiba must have transferred or something because he never came back to school. The worst part was that she knew Kaiba would be comming back for revenge.

The guy was out for Yugi and speaking of the cute baby panda she had sent Misdreavus to follow him because Jounouchi took him along with Honda. Those two could be really useless and she still had to hide the fact that she was not from this world from everyone.

Since Yugi's Grandpa was downstairs she was able to let her pokemon out. It was kinda nice with everyone gone.


She could not believe how stupid this was. Jounouchi led the two through a dangerous and shady area, saying the place they were going to was famous. Junky Scorpion, the sign said. Who would name a shop with a stupid name like that ? She thought.

And it got even more stupid as the dumb blonde was drooling at the sight of a pair of 'High Tech shoes' the owner certainly did not like that and pointed out they were rare and not for sale.


After playing this stupid game, the Shop Owner was messing with the idiot saying if he wanted the rare shoes he had to put them on while the shop's mascot, a real poisonous scorpion was in there. After giving the valuable shoes away to a gullible idiot did the shop owner warn,"Just let me warn you. It's Dangerous to wear those in town these days....Some gang calling themselves Muscle Hunters is going around stealing rare shoes."

"Be careful not to get stripped to your bare feet," He added as he turned away. Okay shady alert ! I'm getting Alice ! She thought as she flew off.


After being led by Misdreavus she stood in front of a shop. "Junky Scorpion, " She read the name out loud. "That's dumb," She stated. Inside she found Yami and the owner. "The rules are simple ! There are ten coins in this sneaker. We'll take turns pulling out coins and hoping yoir scorpion does not sting us. The person who takes the most coins wins, " Yami betted.

As the shop owner added a condition did Yami reach in and take a coin out. "One down...," Yami said. As the owner hesitantly reach in for a coin while reminding his pet not to bite the hand that feeds him. "Good boy !" He said as he withdrew his hand with a coin. After that Yami brought out a coin unharmed. 

"Now it's my turn. One question ! As long as you stick your hand in the shoe to grab the coins, Anything goes right ?!" He asked, clearly up to something.  "Yeah," Yami answered. With that the owner withdrew a knife as he stabbed the sneaker with the intent to kill his pet to win the game.

With a fist full of coins he thought he had won but with greed clouding his mind he realized with his hand stuck in the sneaker that his pet was still alive. With a scream it was clear Yami won. "in the Shadow Games, those with weak hearts always loose ! If you had any love for your scorpion or those sneakers, I couldn't have foretold how the game would turn out," Yami said.

Carefully handling the scorpion into a small carrying cage while the owner was being taken to the hospital while Yami grabbed the pair of sneakers. "What do Scorpions eat anyway ?" She asked as her eyes followed the little creature as it scrutteled around.  "Insects, spiders, other scorpions, lizards and small mice," Yami replied as they left.

"Okay gross," She muttered. "So your still following me," Yami added as he glanced at her. Blushing she looked at Misdreavus. "I did not follow you."


Yugi was back and did not remember a thing. Jounouchi looked confused as Yugi explained that he woke up with the shoes while the owner was being wheeled away to the Hospital after being stung by a scorpion. "So why is Alice here ?" Honda asked the big question. 

"My Baby Panda and Jounouchi  is being a big idiot senses were tingling, " She stated.  "What !" He yelled. Not like I'm going to tell them the truth, She thought as she avoided the idiot. 

Yami No PokemonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora