Alice Entered Wonderland

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"Hold on !" Thunder cracked. "You can do it Altaria !" The same voice said. Rough unforgiving winds smashed into the two flyers again. In a distence lighting flashed providing the two to see briefly. Another air current rammed into the struggeling Altaria but only to be sucked in the dark swirling vortex. As much as the pokemon fought the two were sucked in as they hurtled into even more darkness.


Note to self, never fly near a storm with a tired pokemon, she thought. Groaning she got up to see she was in some sort of park. Should have ridden on one of my water type pokemon instead of flying the entire trip, she thought as her body made a cracking sound. Where is Altaria ? She thought. 

Bringing out two Poke balls she said,"Come on out !" In a flash of bright lights two pokemon appeared. One was a Misdreavus, a ghost type while Spritzee a pink avian-like pokemon was a fairy type. Both gave her greetings as they waited. Feeling tired she said,"Find Altaria." 

With that the two small pokemon seperated to find Altaria. Sitting back down she leaned against a nearby tree. It did not take the two long to find the Dragon and Flying type. Altaria was tired and battered. "Return," she said as she brought out her pokemon's Poke ball."Spritzee," the purfume pokemon said worriedly as she perched on one of her shoulders. 

"I'm okay," she replied. Both pokemon looked at her skeptically but did not argue with her.


So tired, she complained. After endless travel, walking around this city, having not eaten. She was tired and felt wilted. Her trainer's clothes were in way better shape then her. After all she was covered in bruises and scratches.

Misdreavus in the end took the lead while she followed with Spritzee resting on her shoulder. "Vus," her pokemon cried encouragingly. It was when something ran into her was when everything went black.


She flew off Alice's shoulder when a small tri haired boy ran into her trainer's stomach. In the end their trainer was taken inside a building called Kame Game Shop. She stayed with her trainer while Misdreavus stayed near the boy called Yugi. Floating on a shoulder the ghost pokemon followed him. Violet eyes watched Alice with interest before skipping off with Misdreavus following.

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