Ruthless Final Battle

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At the start Kaiba and Yami started off with 2000 Life Points. Yami brought out Fortress Guardian Dinosaur that used Fiery Cannonballs at Kaiba's Cyclops. With the monster defeated, Kaiba's current Life Points were at 1800.

  She wasn't one for math or really understood the game but knew enough that this was just a scratch. I'd rather have a pokemon battle. 

Ok, if a monster has the highest ATK Points it will defeat its opponent. Once the loser monster is destroyed you subtract it's ATK Points from your life points. That's all she really understood.

  Kaiba sent out another disgusting looking monster, Degenerating Worm Beast. It's lower body was worm like, tendons were very visible. It just looked so parasite-like as it faced off against Yami's Dinosaur. The thing spat a poison spray but the Dinosaur managed to avoid it.

   That was too close. The worm however was unable to have the same fate. As it was destroyed Kaiba suffered no lowering life points since both monsters had the same ATK Points.

Kaiba then placed some creepy clown thing in defense and that was the end of his turn. Yami summoned a beast looking creature but put it in defense.

"Alice ! How are you not dead !?" Jounouchi realized she was there. Blinking she replied, "Oh yeah, I forgot about you guys. Too busy keeping a eye on the Death Matches." At this remark the group deadpanned dramatically.

  "Are you kidding me !? We thought you were dead !" Anzu roared but it did not bother her. "It's going to take a lot more then that to kill me." Turning to face the armed goons, "Take five guys." And then they disappeared.

   "How did you do that ?" Anzu demanded to know. Sighing she replied, "That's for me to know and for you all to never find out." What really happened was that her Gengar had kidnapped the goons and left them somewhere far away up high.

 By then Kaiba's creepy ass clown got stronger by a Magic Card. At 1800 against 1400, Yami's Life Point went from 2000 to 1600. "Oh great, now Yami has the lowest Life Points," She commented.

  "Yami ?" Miho asked. "It means 'Darkness', it certainly fits him and I wasn't gonna call him the Other Yugi."

   With the Guardian Dinosaur gone Yami picked up a card and summoned a three eyed fur ball monster named Critter that had 1000 ATK Points. Another attack and Yami's Life Points were at 1400. He really needs to summon a much stronger monster.

 As if the cards heard her Yami drew said right card. Dark Knight Gaia had 2300 ATK. The dark purple horse charged while it's dark armored rider speared that twisted evil looking clown. "Way to go Yami !" She cheered.

  Kaiba had 1300 while Yami was at 1400. Now the tables were turned but she knew Yami would need a much stronger monster. Kaiba drew a Blue Eyes White Dragon. With 3000 ATK Points this monster was packing some serious power.

She still had the torn up dragon but she was sure Kaiba would be losing a dragon too. After all an eye for a eye. The dragon defeated the Knight leaving Yami at 700 Life Points left.


Two dragons were out now. He wondered if he would get to play and torment Kaiba, just like that guy had done to countless others.  Yami drew a Magic Card, Immobilizing Swords of Light.

  And that's exactly what it did and would do for three turns. Just enough time to turn this duel around, he grinned. With the dragons effectively caged and muzzled he looked at Yami's hand.

Wait....He knew this monster.

Not his forte he had enough psychic power in him. Yami, get all five body parts and summon the monster, he advised. He felt another presence too.

Much like the Millennium Puzzle this monster had that in common.



Something big was going to happen and Yami had figured it out. She could just feel it in the air. The others not so much cause they seemed worried.

Kaiba brought out Judge Man while Yami had The Black Magician on his side destroy pointy toothed Judge. Now at a 1000 Kaiba brought out the third of his small dragon army. With the Black Magician gone Yami was at 200. "Yugi !" Jounouchi yelled in horror.

  "How are you so calm ?!" He demanded. Irritated she turned to look at the questioning group. "Are you all so blind or something ? If so be silent."

The Pentagon of light was formed. All five body parts appeared at each point right. "I drew Exodia The Sealed One !" The monster's pasts emerged slowly from it's card prison slowly. It's hanging chains made no sound as the towering Titan sized Egyptian based monster attacked with Raging Hellfire: Exode Flame.

With an infinite ATK the monster was unstoppable. All three dragons perished and Kaiba lost the Death Match Duel. 


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