Ichigo Kurosaki

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In this world, Shinigami and Arrancars are enemies. They battle to the death every chance they see each other. Some were different than others by only a little, some by a lot. But not one was as different as I was. How was I different you ask?

I fell in love with a Shinigami.

He was powerful. He cared for those around him. Never using them as a pawn. Not like that man that created me.

He was Ichigo Kurosaki.

I ran from the people who created me. I didn't wanna kill anyone. I became intrigued by the human race. Their customs, the food they eat. Even the clothes they wear were amazing. Of course, being an Arrancar caused the Shinigami to find me. That's how I met the orange-haired hot-head.

I went shopping for groceries, I found I liked cooking. As I was walking near an ally, a arm pulled me in, slamming me into a wall. Orange covered my vision.

"What do you think you're doing, Arrancar?" I showed no emotion. His arms were beside both sides of my head.

"I'm trying to live like a normal person. You think I wanted to be created like this?!" A glare crossed my features. He looked taken back. Not expecting me to answer like that. He opened his to speak but nothing came out. He raised his hand to a shaking position.

"Who are you? I'm Ichigo Kurosaki." I connected our hands as I spoke.

"I'm Ao." He lowered his hand.

"How do I know you won't try anything?" He still held a glare.

"You don't. But I can give you my word. I'm not here to hurt anyone." He sighed and nodded. He led me out to the road and politely asked to walk me home, which I accepted.

We met each other around town and got closer over time. I began to have a sense of protectiveness towards the orange-haired teen. Enough to fight against my creator.


I bought Ichigo enough time to learn whatever he was learning. The fight was beginning to lean towards Aizen's win. In the moment of my almost death, Ichigo appeared, holding me bridal style. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders while tucking my head into his neck.

"Are you okay, Ao?" I nodded with a smile and looked up at him. His hair had grown longer, making him even more attractive.

"I'm okay. Thank you." He smiled back and brought me to where his human friends were.

"Protect her, please." He pleaded to his friends. They looked at him, wide eyed but nodded nonetheless. The fight was destructive, decimating mountains. My hair flew with the wind from the swings of their sword. Soon, the battle ended, with Ichigo releasing the Final Getsuga. I could feel his power fading. Knowing he was losing his power, I protected him as he did me.

"Ao, you feel it, don't you?" His power. I nodded and sat beside him as he was sitting in his bed. "When I lose all of my powers, will I lose you?" I blinking in surprise.

"No. You won't. Who else will protect you, weak human." I teased, smirking. He smirked as well and tackled me to the bed, him on top.

"But who protected you, weak arrancar." I laughed and relaxed on the bed. His playful look turned into a look of sadness. "I'm serious. Are you gonna leave? Aizen is gone. Nothing to hide from anymore." I raised my hand to his face, caressing it.

"You aren't losing me. I promise." He nodded and raised up to sit again.

We continued to have more moments like that one. We were happy, and soon, we started dating. Many happy moments happened between us. Some were hard too. He soon met a group called Xcution. I never liked them from the start. They caused me to go against him, with the help of Tsukishima. Urahara broke the others and I out of that spell, soon enough to hear Ichigo's cry, causing my heart to break. I was about to run to him, when Rukia showed up.

She had plunged a spirit sword into his back, causing him to get his powers back. He had his powers back, and just as powerful. Battles started to erupt around us with the other members. We defeated them in the end, the last fight still raging on. Ichigo was facing a more powerful version of Ginjo. Ichigo released his Bankai and released even more spirit energy. With that power, he defeated Ginjo. After all the catch-up with the other Shinigami, Ichigo returned to his normal body. Ichigo's mood became happier after that.

"What are you so happy for?" I finally asked over time. He looked at me and smiled. His arms wrapped around my waist from behind as I was making dinner for us.

"I can protect you now." I let out a giggle and turned my head to him.

"That's it?" He smirked then spoke.

"Well, I can protect the woman I love, what other reason should I need to be happy?" My heartbeat sped up as I looked at him. I turned my body as I wrapped my arms around his neck. He immediately brought his lips down and connected with mine. We released for air as we connected our foreheads together.

"I love you. You know that right?" I looked him in the eye. He smiled and tightened his hold on my waist, causing me to arch my back, closing the gap.

"I love you too. I always will." He leaned in again.

And he did always love me...❤️

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