Nicolas Brown

38 1 0

Blood was everywhere.

Flames following.

I was surrounded.

A boy with a katana stood in front of me. A grin was on his face as he lunged for me.

I woke up with a start, remembering the past. I shook my head as I got up from the floor in the office for the Handymen. Alex was passed out on the couch. Sighing as I walked to the window, I opened it to let in fresh air.

An ache broke through my shoulder causing me to grab it and massage it. Damn that Nico for stabbing me. I couldn't be mad at him though. It wasn't him. It was his shitty father of his. He tried to ruin him.

I shook my thoughts and walked to the kitchen. Might as well make something. As I was waking, a clinging sound erupted from my tags. I was a tag. A S/0 for a fact. Which caused Nico to not want much to do with me. The contract I held was with Worick. Protect him with my life or die trying.

The kitchen was dark but I turned the lights on. My eyes adjusted to the light as I started to walk to the fridge. Eggs, bacon, sausage, milk... I looked to the cabinets and saw biscuits. That's what I decided to make. After cooking the meat, I started making homemade gravy.

The sun rose as I was cooking, soon lighting up the kitchen. An aroma filled the room and escaped to the rest of the office. Soon Alex walked in and smiled.

"You always make breakfast Cameron. Let me for once." We shared a laugh as she grabbed a glass down from the cabinet.

"I woke up early so I might as well be useful." I smiled as she got the the orange juice out, pouring herself a glass. Another person walked in and was too happy in the morning.

"Oh my dear Cameron! You are a goddess!" Worick smothered me in a hug. I shrugged him off and laughed.

"Sit down mister. No messing with the cook." He smiled and leaned on his hand, watching me as I laid the food down on the table. I grabbed the plates out and put them in everyone's seats. "Now eat mister, I'll get Nico." He waved me off as he made his plate.

"Are you sure? I can get him." Alex was sitting at the table. I just nodded and walked to the basement that we call Nico's room.

I knocked pretty hard to see if he felt the vibrations. After a few seconds he didn't answer. I open the door to see him fast asleep, cuddling his katana. Sighing, I sat down on his bed. Running my hand through his hair, he started to stir. Using my hands as I spoke.

"Breakfast is ready. Come on up." He nodded as he sat up. I stood up and walked up the stairs back into the kitchen. Already, the food was almost gone. "Worick! I should beat you!" He shrunk and stopped touching the food. "You should leave some for Nico!" He nodded with a sweat drop.

Nico came and sat down at the table, filling his plate. Noticing there wasn't enough for me I sighed and walked to the closet in the main area. Going through my clothes that were mixed with Alex, I pulled out a long sleeve, black lace crop top with dark blue skinny jeans. My black sports bra worked well with the crop top.

After I changed, I walked back into the kitchen to clean up. The three gave me a look. Alex and Worick had one of concern. Nico was still eating.

"Wait, Cam. Are you not gonna eat?" I shook my head, making my way to the stove.

"There's not enough. Besides Nico needs it more than me. I'm fine." I brought the dishes to the sink and started to wash them. After I was done with those I walked to the table to get the rest of the dishes.

"You really should eat." I gave a small smile.

"I'm fine. I promise." I stood next to Nico as I began to pick up the pan's with food. Only to be grabbed by the waist and now I was sitting on his lap. In his adorable deaf accent, he spoke.

"Y-you wreary(really) need to e-eat." He shoved a spoon full of biscuits and gravy in my mouth. I gave him a smile and gave in. After eating a few bites, I looked at him.

"Was that good enough?" He just nodded and released me. I slowly sat up and grabbed the plates. Nico followed and helped wash. Worick left for his other job while Alex walked into the main area, leaving Nico and I alone.

Putting up the last dish, I turned to leave as well only to be boxed against the counter. Nico looked me in the eye then leaned his forehead against mine. A small smile was on both of our faces. Moments like these made me happy. Maybe he didn't hate me.

His hands made there way to my waist as he leaned into me. I grew confused at this new found affection. He never did this much. But nonetheless, I allowed it. Leaning into his touch, he continued to lean into me. Slowly his head moved and our lips grew closer.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and leaned forward into him. He seemed to take that as an 'okay to continue' as he slid his hands and gripped my hips. We finally closed the gap as he lowered down to my height.

The kiss lasted for a good minute, only to release and look each other in the eye. That didn't last long and he crashed his lips on mine hungrily. I ran my hands through his hair and he groaned a little.

The make-out session went on for what felt like forever but was really only a few minutes. Nico moved his hands in front of him as he signed,

I love you.

How did you like that? I wrote this at 2 in the morning. Requests are still open.

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