I Promise (Chanbaek)

Start from the beginning

Nobody would want to see anyone who looked like this.

'Do it'.

Slowly, I uncapped the pill bottle and poured them out into my hand. I counted all of them and there were 46 pills.

That would surely be enough.

I picked one up out of my cupped hand and held it up to my eyes, studying it carefully. I've always thought these pills looked very pretty, with their white and blue coating the outside. I have so many pills left because I refuse to take them, I only take them when Baekhyun forces me to, which is whenever he comes over. He's scary when he's mad. When I take them, they make me feel like someone I'm not, like my mind has been numbed, but after a while the voices just come back.

With shaky hands I picked up 2 and put them into my mouth, swallowing them quickly.

Then another 2, and another, and another.

This went on until I had taken 32 of them and could feel the effects starting to take place. My legs gave way and I managed to sit down against the bath tub, pills still in hand.

I swallowed the remaining ones and let my head roll back so it was resting on the tub behind me.

Maybe I'll be able to see my mum again.

My heart was thumping wildly and my throat was dry as my vision began to blur. Black spots danced around the room and my eyelids gave up the fight to stay open.

But what I failed to notice before I slipped into a coma like sleep, was the sound of the front door opening.

*Baekhyun's POV*

After receiving that distressing text from Chanyeol, I scrambled out of bed and threw some clothes on before stumbling out the door, still half asleep. My phone wasn't on silent, thank god, so it woke me up with the noise of the notification.

The whole drive to his small apartment was tense, and I'm pretty sure I was over the speed limit most, if not all, of the journey.

God, I hope he isn't having suicidal thoughts again, he only just coped the last time, I was really scared he was actually gonna do it.

I pulled up outside his house and abandoned my car near enough in the middle of the road.

Sprinting to the front door, I unlocked it quickly and flung it open, not caring how much of a sound it made.

I ran to his bedroom, looking for any signs of life, but found none. Then I looked in the bathroom, and the sight I was met with, I will never forget.

Chanyeol was sprawled against the side of the tub, an empty pill bottle on the side of the sink, and his body looking lifeless and cold. The worst thing was that he still had just over a dozen pills left in his right hand. I threw myself down onto the cold floor and grabbed his wrist, checking for a pulse.

Thank the Lord, there was, but it was faint.

With tears now rushing down my face and blurring my vision I grabbed my phone and called for an ambulance.

Whilst waiting for them, I looked at him in my arms.

"Please, don't let go. Hang on, for me, please?"

I knew he couldn't hear me.

They came and took him away, leaving me to follow in my car behind them.

I wasn't allowed to know anything about Chanyeol's condition yet, so it was a nervous wait in the waiting room. What if he didn't make it? What if it was too late? Questions were racing around in my head.

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