Chapter 19

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"Don't let me go"
-never say never, the fray


As we approached the building memories of me and Kevin walking here flashed back. How I was so rude and ignored him. How he was the only one who was there for me and I led him to his death.

"Guys I can't go back there" I say and stop waking. Archie walks back to me and grabs both my upper arms and bends down so he's at my height.

"I'll be beside you the whole time nobody will hurt you" he says reassuringly but I still can't fight away all the flashbacks I was having of Kevin going in front of me and saying "hey you still in there" it's all I could think of and I fell onto my knees and broke down crying.

"It's okay V" Betty says and rubs my back.

"No.. no it's not okay I killed him. I gave him to those gunmen. If I had of stayed home and stopped being so selfish he would still be alive" I say and wipe continuous tears that rolled down my face.

"Look let's do this tomorrow after school okay" Archie says and looks up to get approval from Betty and she reluctantly agrees.

As we walk back I can't help but feel terrible but I.. I just couldn't go back there.

A few minutes later...

"Guys I'm just gunna go home by myself if that's okay" I say and begin to walk away from them.

"Ronnie... are you sure your okay I mean you seemed terrified last night" Archie says worryingly.

I shudder at the thought of what happened in that nightmare. I couldn't recount that. It tore away at my heart.

"Yeah. I'll be fine" I say and jog away from them as tears started falling out of my eyes. I couldn't let them see me cry again. I am Veronica lodge. I am strong.

I ran through the front door of my house and didn't stop til I was in my room. I slammed my door shut and slid down the door. All I am is a disappointment. I couldn't even help find Jughead today. What kind of best friend does that. Maybe my nightmare was right. Maybe I am as bad as the gunmen. Worse cause I'm slowly and painfully killing them atleast his was instant.

I could see myself in the nightmare again.

Betty, Jughead, Kevin, Fred and everyone if hurt since I got to riverdale where all standing in a straight line and at the front was Archie.

I was wearing the black hoodie and I had the gun. I starred into archies scared eyes and pulled the trigger killing everyone if hurt since I came here. I was quite literally killing riverdale. I didn't belong here. I'm not 'the perfect girl next door'. I'd tried so hard to change and I haven't I'm still hurting as many people as I was before just in a different way.

The cold air blew in through the open window sending shivers down my spine. Reminding me of the night where I fought with my parents. They don't even deserve to be called my parents. They have never done anything for me.


My phone went off. I wiped tears from my eyes away and picked up my phone.

Archie: hey r u okay Ronnie?

Am I okay? Am I okay! Yes of course I'm okay I am totally okay. The message made me scream with anger and sadness and I threw my phone and laid my head onto my knees.


"Is she answering?" Betty questioned.


I looked over to Betty who was obviously fed up with our drama.

"Look it's not Veronica's fault this must be really difficult for her to go back there but she tried for you" I say trying to lighten the mood.

"And you don't think it's been hard for me? I love Jughead and he's been gone for god knows how long and I'm supposed to be okay!" Betty says and storms off towards her house

"Betty wait!"

She stops instantly and spins around. Hair covered her face and anger was the only emotion on it but I knew she was just missing Jughead. I ran to catch up to her.

"Tomorrow okay. Tomorrow we are gunna find Jughead at pops eating 100 burgers and writing some story on his laptop okay"

She giggles a little and I sigh relief that she was cool again.

"Everything's gunna get better soon we just have to help Veronica for this time okay"

Betty nods and hugs me. I felt warm tears roll down her face onto my t-shirt and I pulled her closer as Betty finally after all this time let her emotions out. She quite literally broke down and it made it hard to believe she could hide all this pain.


Well I just made a shit chapter again.
I'm so sorry 😭

I promise I'll get back into big plots just bit stressed from school and stuff it's hard to focus

I'm trying I promise.

Any plot ideas to get me inspired?!?

Okay goodnight wolffies💓🍕<- random pizza cause I could really go for pizza right now 😂

5.85k views... you guys make me so happy I made this book😭❤️
Total word count: 890 words

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