Chapter 1

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I lay in bed starring at the ceiling. Thinking about last night. I was still wearing his t-shirt, it made me feel warm and safe. It had only been 30 minutes since archie left but I couldn't help counting down minutes till it would be 'appropriate' to call him as I promised.

I rolled over and shut my eyes when suddenly. BRING!!! I spin around and grabbed my phone. It's Archie. I press answer.

"Hey archiekins" I say almost to quickly. I could hear sirens and heavy breathing over the phone. "Archie what's going on" I say sternly while getting up and getting dressed.

"Can you come to pops V" he says quietly. He sound tired from crying. "I'm coming right now I'll be there in 5 minutes" I say while rushing out of my bedroom door as Archie hung up the phone.

"Veronica!". I spun around to see my mum sitting on the leather couch. "I don't have time for a lecture mother" I say and rush out the door.

As I ran to pops it felt as if I was in slow motion. I could see ambulances and police racing down the street to pops. The cold air froze me to bits as I ran as fast as my legs would let me.

I finally made it there and shoved through cops to get to Archie. What I saw I couldn't believe my eyes. He was on the floor in a pool of his fathers blood. I looked around and saw Fred Andrews being dragged into the back of an ambulance.

"Oh my gosh Archie" I say and tears now start rolling down my eyes to. I get down next to him and hug him tighter then I've ever hugged anyone before. He hugged me back and we cried on each others shoulders for what felt like forever.

"Did you recognise the shooter?" A cop suddenly comes over to us and says. "No sir he... he um had a mask on I.. i dont know" Archie says and breaks down again. "I don't think he's ready to talk at the moment" I say politely and the cop leaves.

I turn back to Archie who is now covered in tears and blood. I wipe a tear from his eye and looked at him. "Archie. Your dad... he was shot?" Archie nods and I look at him and can't believe that another murder attempt had happened.

I leaned on his shoulder until a cop offered us a ride to the hospital so we jumped in the car and went off to see if any results of wether Fred would live or die had been found out. I held Archie's hand the whole way there I never wanted him to feel alone, not even for a second.

Hey wolffies ❤️ so new book ahaha well first book for this account so that's fun. I don't know how well this will go but oh well I'm gunna try that's the main thing right?

Comment what you thought of the first chapter even though like nothing happened 🙃 like I said I tried 😂

Varchie or bughead??

Crashing Down || Riverdale SO2 || Varchieजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें