13) Consolation

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Art above is mine.


"Sarah?" He lightly tapped on the door.

"Come in."

"I'm glad you're up," Jareth walked in and closed the door, finding Sarah on her bed with at least ten books and various pieces of art scattered about that she had found in the library. "I needed to talk to you about...something."

"What is it? If you're coming into my room I've gotta assume it's pretty concerning to you."

"Listen..." Jareth sat on the edge of her bed and started without hesitation. He told her about the dream he had just shortly before, almost bringing himself to tears at just the thought of Sarah doing such things. He loved her. But did she love him back the same way?

"And...you're afraid that I'm some kind of goblin hunter? That I'm gonna hunt you down?" She almost laughed. "Jareth I'd never do that!"

"I know I just- I just needed to get that off my chest." Jareth huffed.

"Jareth, I love you. Even though I probably really shouldn't, I do anyways." Jareth looked up at Sarah, feeling himself become giddy. "But I guess I don't love you enough, considering you're still like...this."

The small smile he had faded as he lowered his head with his pointed ears drooping back. Jareth sighed,


Sarah set aside her book and cupped Jareth's face gently, looking him in the eye.

"We'll sort this out, okay?" She quietly promised. Never in a thousand years did she think she'd be in this position with someone she hated as a teen. Now here she was, consoling her old arch-nemesis.

"I know...just takes time." He sighed. "I just hate how long this has been taking. I hate being a monster."

"You're not a monster Jareth." Sarah smiled. "You may be different, yes, but you're not a monster."

"You know this is supposedly our "true" form. But we never use it because most see it at a curse to our "beauty" sides." Jareth shrugged his shoulders.

"Well, consider this your natural beauty side. In all honesty, it's a very unique kind of beauty. It's you. At least feel a tad bit better about yourself until we get this fixed. Promise me that?"

Jareth pursed his lips and sneered.

"I...I promise."

Beauty and the Beast - A Labyrinth Story [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now