• Chapter 25 •

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This chapter WILL CONTAIN SERIOUS TOPICS such as child abuse, nelgection, insecurities, depression, and self harm. If you you don't feel comfortable with reading about these topics or if you get easily triggered by them, then I HIGHLY suggest you to SKIP THIS CHAPTER. If you choose to keep on reading, you are READING AT YOUR OWN RISK. Don't say I didn't warn you. I don't want to have any negative impacts on my readers so I apologize in advance. Please know that you are ALL beautiful inside and out. ❤

** Still Hyein's back story **

** Hyein's birthdays **

I remember that for my birthday, I didn't get any presents from my other family other than my parents, I didn't get a birthday party, I didn't get birthday cake, I didn't get a birthday hat, and I didn't get called the birthday girl. As a matter of fact, I never had any of those. I never had a real birthday. The only things we did on my birthday, was make homemade dishes and I'd get doctor related toys as my present. But on the day I turned 7, I didn't even get a toy for my birthday, not even a doctor related one. As I got older, I started getting more books that were telling me about the rules of a doctor and what kind medicine, and how to perform surgeries I should learn to do in order to become a good doctor. Hongbinnie on the other hand, always got what he wanted. I thought I was going to be a happy big sister, but the endings of my days always ended in jealousy and hate.

I got home from school and I saw a box on the table. I looked at the box and saw a note.

- Hyein, mommy and daddy are taking Hongbinnie out for his birthday tonight. You're okay to stay home by yourself right? Here's a present from me and dad to you. Love you lots. -

Your parents who love you dearly

"His birthday is next week, why are you celebrating as if it's going to be his last birthday that he'll ever have?" I saw another note on the side and read it.

- Hyein noona,
I'm sorry that mommy and daddy took me out instead of you.

"If you're sorry, then why didn't you just stay home?!"

Noona must be very mad at me. I am very sorry, I don't deserve to go out with them like this. I wish you would've came. I wish mommy and daddy didn't like me so much.

"Yeah, I wish that too you punk!" I stomped up to my room.

"Aish! I hate him so much! He has it so good! Why can't I get treated that way?!" By the way, I'm turning 10 today. You girls all know what happens at the age of 10 right? Well, I'm not going to get into that right now.

I made this card for you noona, I hope you accept it. -


"Hongbinnie? Tsk! Yeah right! I don't even call him that anymore."

For some reason, I hated my little brother. As much as I hated him, I kept all of the cards he gave me. I wasn't sure why I hated him at first. Maybe it was because of the jealousy. He'd always get what he wanted and he'd always get praised without even trying. I was sick of it, I was sick of seeing all of it. I hated him for not trying to do anything, yet he gets away with everything. Me on the other hand, with every achievement I make, I get ignored. Why do I get ignored and not him? I didn't understand, I didn't understand it at all. I felt as if everything I did was a mistake. I didn't know if I was doing anything right or wrong.

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