• Chapter 22 •

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- A/N - 22 CHAPTERS?! HOLY SEKCHIES! 😱 This is like the longest book I've ever written IN MY LIFE! I hope you guys are enjoying this book so far though. 😊 -

"Did you like the movie?" He asked me. I nodded my head.

"Did you?"

"Uhhhhh..... yeah... ?" I glared at him.

"Liar, I know you didn't." He laughed at me.

"I did, because you were watching it with me." I blushed and playfully hit him.

"Quit saying stuff like that!"

"But you like it though." He smirked. I pushed him away and got up.

"Ew," I said. I walked to my room and he followed.

"Whoa sir! Don't step in my room." He walked in anyways.

"Hey! Get out!" He sat on my bed.


"This is my room!"

"This is my house. I pay for the bills here." I was getting a bit annoyed.

"Well still!"

"Well you know what could happen in your room right?" I got confused.


"We're both in your room which only has one bed." He smirked at me. I grabbed his hand and forced him up.

"What?" I could tell that he was teasing me.


"I'm kidding, I'll get out." He scruffed my hair.

"Hey, stop doing that will you?!"


"Ugh! So annoying!"

"I'm your boyfriend, that's my job." He walked out of my room and I went on my phone. I was scrolling down on Facebook until I saw a link that said


** Dean shouts and insults fan for wanting a picture **


Xxxxxxxx - Really? Over a picture?

Xxxxxx - All the poor girl wanted was a picture with you and you turned her down. 😡

Xxxxxxxxxxx - Well that's what she gets. She should have respected their privacy. Not only her, but they all should have respected their space and privacy.

Xxx - These idols deserve all the love, respect, and space they need. Please learn to respect their space and privacy. He and his girlfriend were there for a date and to have a nice meal, but it was all ruined all because of a picture they wanted and wouldn't leave him alone for it. For those of you who are getting mad because he didn't want to take pictures for the time being, shame on you all. He was trying to enjoy himself and his time with his girlfriend. How can you be mad at that? I'd say, he was being the gentle man he always is. Dean, you just do you boo, and stay happy. 😊❤

Sing  [ DEAN ] || Complete ||Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ