• Chapter 9 •

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"Dean, our dear son! It's been so long."

"Yeah, it has. Now, what are you guys doing here?"

"Oh, we're just here to see our successful son." She reached out to touch his face and he rejected her. Well, I guess he still has his rebellient side. He's still a rebel to his parents. His mom went from all smiles to a total bitch face. Oh wait, she's always been a bitch. Yeah that's right Dean, reject her bitch ass.

"What's with that face? Are you going to hit me? Well go ahead and try! I'm a celebrity, lay a hand on me and you're in big trouble." She lifted up her and right when she was about to swing, I stepped into her way.

"Stop! If you hit him you'll have to pay the price," I said. I don't even know why I'm doing this. Why do I still stand up for him?

"Oh? And what price is that?"

"Haven't you heard? Since he's a celebrity, the second you hit him, he has the right to file a law suit on you, especially because of what you did to him in the past." I saw her slowly put her arm down.

"And who must you be?" She chuckled.

"Don't tell me you're his girlfriend." Me and Kwonhyuk both looked at each other. "If you are and you're not lying, I promise not to hit your little boyfriend again-"

"Yes!" What? I can't stand seeing people get abused by their parents, okay?

"Yes what?"

"I'm his girlfriend." I saw Kwonhyuk giving me a surprised look.

"So please stop hitting him. He is not a punching bag, he is your son, so treat him like he is."

"Well then, if he's your boyfriend then why does he look so surprised?" Shit, what do I say?

"Uhhh well, because he's a celebrity, we were supposed to keep it a secret. But due to the situation we're in, there was nothing else I could do but to announce it."

"Well then prove it that you're dating." 'I can't believe I'm about to do this.' I walked to his side and intertwined my fingers with his. My heart was beating fast and I felt my face heating up. 'His hand, it feels warm. So warm that I want to hold onto it forever and never let go of it.' Wait, what the hell am I thinking?! What's happening to me?!

"Is this enough proof for you? Holding hands in public?" She smirked.

"Yes it is, and for the public too." Shit, I did not think if that. What the hell?! What will happen to us now? She walked out and we heard a few people whispering.

"Are they really dating?"

"I think they are."

"Why didn't he say anything?"

"They don't match, I don't ship."

"Really? I think they do. I ship."

"NOOO! They can't be dating! They just can't! Oppa! No!" Geez, these fans are crazy. Great, now I have to deal with it.

"Good luck dealing with all the hatred." His mom smirked as both her and his dad walked out and closed the door. I really hate his parents. I looked over to Kwonhyuk who seemed mad.

"Kwonhyuk-ah." He looked up at me and softened his expression.

"Yes?" He said.

"Aren't you mad at me?"

"For what? You didn't do anything wrong."

"Well I just lied to society that we're dating. You're not mad?" He smiled at me.

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