• Chapter 5 •

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[A/N] So that song up above is for something else huehue. This song is to be played towards the towards the ending when notices her from the crossroad, if you want to get a better "feeling" of it lol. All you gotta do is scroll and press play and then quickly scroll back down. But anyways, enjoy the chapter. 😊

I can't believe it's only been 3 years since I've entered high school. My days feel so long because all Sungmi does is follow me around. It's so annoying.

{Alarm clock rings}

I reach out to turn it off. Me and Zico wake up and do our morning routine.

"How's you and Sungmi doing?" He asked.

"Why do you keep asking?" I snorted back.

"It was just a question geez." Okay and? If you want to know how she's doing then ask her yourself. You guys are always acting like you're dating anyways, so why should I even care? "What are you thinking about?"


"Come man, don't lie. I know you so much to the point where I know what it looks like when you're thinking about something."

"Okay and? Why does it matter?!"

"Dude, calm down."

"Sorry," I said.

"Sorry?" He gave me a confused look.

"What? I can't say sorry?"

"Well, I mean like you never say sorry even when I know you don't mean it. What's going on?"

"Well I did just hit puberty."

"You hit puberty last summer and you've never apologized." Well fuck, he does have a point. We both got ready and walked to school. I saw a familiar figure standing in front of the school building. "I'm going to go inside first." I nodded my head. He ran inside and I'm quite surprised that she didn't even see him, they're like best friends. I walk up next to her. I saw her look at me like she was surpirsed or something.

"If you call me Dean this year, I'll kill you," I told her. Why did I have to say it like that to her? She didn't even do anything.

"I-I-I wasn't going to call you that anyways KWONHYUK!" I just smirked at her. I find it really cute when she yells. She started walking and I stuck out my foot and tripped her. I kneeled down and got closer to her face. This was really awkward for me. I felt my face heat up. My heart actually fluttered at this point and so I just decided to play it cool.

"Are you stupid? Watch where you're going. You nearly dirtied my shoe." Yup, totally played it cool. I got up and started walking away into the school building. I walk in and shake Zion. T, Babylon, and Crush's hand.

"Hey guys!" I hear someone yell. It was Sungmi. Great. I mean it's not that I don't like her or anything, but it's hard to explain.

"Hi Sungmi!" They all yell. I didn't say anything to her and just rolled my eyes at her. I saw her trying to hold back tears. I actually feel bad now. Should I have just said hi too instead of just ignoring her? Maybe I shouldn't have tripped her earlier. Oh well, whatever. I'll just walk away from this like I always do. I started walking away and just when I was about to start thinking things through, a bunch of loud people started disturbing me.

"They should really start going out!" Said Babylon. I looked back see those two walking together. I have to be honest, that just ruined my day.

"They really should," said Zion. T.

"Can you guys be quiet?!" I yelled.

"What's up with you?" Asked crush.

"Nothing, I just hate how you guys are always talking about them like they're dating! It's so annoying!" Why did I say that?

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