The Doll

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Snap. Crack

Another storm comes my way

I wonder what new horrors

It will bring today

I hear a soft murmur

Coming from the baby’s room

That cannot be anything good

I quickly assume

The lights flicker as I

Slowly inch towards the door

An ominous déjà vu sets in 

Of all the times before

Behind the door sits a doll

A doll that I had as a child

Her teeth are missing and her hair is askew

She no longer looks as sweet and mild

There are deep scratches across her face

One eye is open; one is closed

And something red and shiny is splattered

All over her tattered clothes

The murmuring is coming from her

Gradually louder and more intense

The door snaps shut behind me and

I try to think of a hasty defense

Her lips begin to move

Her head slowly tilts to the side

Arms are stretched out in front of her and

There’s a menacing look in her one open eye

Lightning gives me one last look

At the doll’s broken and marred face

Just seconds before she is whisked away

By my old, enamoured dog, Ace.

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