The Music Box

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Snap. Crack

Eerie sounds meet my ear

Goosebumps erupt

I am yet again in fear

From my bedroom I hear music

But not the kind you’d dance to

No, music like in a horror movie

Foreshadowing something bad for you

Thunder rolls in the distance

A wolf howls as the lights go out

My eyes find an open music box

With a ballerina twirling about

Paint is chipped from her face

Her tutu is torn and frayed

Even when I close the lid

The unnerving song still plays

A wild wind moans and whistles

The bedroom door swings open and closed

The air in the room has changed

And something darts past my toes

I thought I had seen it all

Now what could it be?

Maybe I’ll just hide under the bed

Seems a safe enough place to me

The music box revs up its song

Louder and more intense

It seems to be straining to open

With a message to commence

Suddenly it bursts open

And a white light fills the room

Next thing I know I am staring

Into the hazel eyes of my groom

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