The Boy

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Snap. Crack

A hissing from the kitchen

How could the realtor

Leave out something else to mention?

With a weary mind

And a racing heart

I come upon a small boy

Hiding in the cupboard

His eyes are pure black

With no whites to be seen

He’s mumbling to himself

Words that are obscene

Suddenly his head turns

Towards me he stares

“We’ve been waiting for you

Now, come if you dare”

A tiny, cold hand 

Leads me across the floor

“Close your eyes,” he

Tells me at the door

Where we were going

I did not know

He was strong and commanding

For such young growth

“I can make people hurt,”

He says with a smile

“I can cause you much pain,

So don’t be hostile”

Does your mother know? 

I want to ask him

How did you, little boy,

Get so cunning and grim?

But when the door opened

I saw only bright light

And I awoke at the table

Next to a half empty Sprite

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