Behind the Shower Curtain

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Snap. Crack

I hear running water

From the bathroom

It’s the shower

I’m gripped with fear

I live alone, you see

Someone is in the house

Someone other than me

The lights dim and flicker

Water rushes under the door

I enter and pull back the curtain

And I shake to the core

It’s a man

Eyes facing opposite directions

Wrinkled, sagging skin

Deep scars mar his complexion

His thin mouth opens and closes

He’s wheezing, trying to speak

I beat him to sounds as I scream at

The hairless body (except for his feet)

“Hello, my pretty,”

He finally croaks

And with one long finger

His chest he strokes

He seems a bit of a nudist

Just standing there

But I am transfixed

I can’t help but stare

Something in those eyes

Shows a story to be told

Before I can ask, he disappears

And my shower turns cold

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