Mirror, Mirror

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Snap. Crack

I leave my hiding place

To see in the mirror

A familiar face

As I move closer

Chills come over my body

Because when I move

She does not copy

The image is unclear

And quite hard to see

But in an instant I

Recognize it’s me

My hand reaches out

To touch the oval glass

In a voice higher than my own

“What do you want?” I ask

Mirror Elizabella just laughs

In reply

“You should know we always come

On a darkened sky”

“You’ve avoided all

Our previous advances.

We are no longer taking

Any chances”

Suddenly she steps through the mirror

She is standing just inches from me

“We’ve told you before that you should not be here

It is now finally time for you to leave”

I look her/ me straight in the eyes

“Seriously, what is with you guys?”

All I wanted was a house of my own

But all you’ve done is invade my home!”

It felt good to stand my ground

Even if no protection was to be found

All she says is, “I’m sorry, we know”

And through the mirror we both go. 

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