The Book

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Snap. Crack

Something falls off the shelf

Intrigued, I go to see

The new fresh hell

It’s the small, antique book

The one from the basement

I never brought it upstairs

But here it lies on the cement

It’s held open to page one hundred

By a broken shard of glass

The glass from the oval mirror

And in it I see an eye pass

I’d know that eye anywhere

I’m haunted by it to this day

It’s the old lady back to

Terrify me in a new way

She looks down the script

And the line below blazes into a fire

Slowly I bend down to read,

“You cannot escape forces that conspire”

Even more startling

Is the photo on the very same page

A happy couple with three small children;

The girl with a music box by her rib cage

The photo disappears in smoke

And the eye in the glass is gone

I’m left with a burning book and an image

Of people who never left, who live on

"Where did this book come from?"

I ask as it smolders on the floor

Before I can ponder an explanation

There's a knock from Sheila at the door. 

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