Chapter 14

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This is the 3rd time I'm publishing this.... Wattpad why?!!!

Warning: Longest chapter I've written so far.

"Is it true? You don't believe in prayers. Even the devil once dinned with the angels"


Dominic's POV

What did I just do? I'm playing with fire and I know very well I'll soon get burned. I'm wallowing in something that can never last. It took everything in me to pull away and leave her there. This bond will be the end of me.

I couldn't help myself. Immediately I got back to my room, I helped myself to one of my concubines. Through out I pretended it was Amethyst who was holding on to me, telling me she loved me. Becky was also blonde so it wasn't really hard to pretend. What me and Becky had  didn't last once realisation hit me. I told her to get out in the middle of it. She didn't want to go as I predicted and I had no other choice but to scourge her. Of course it didn't kill her but weakened her enough. Once she was out the same feeling that has pricked me for the last couple of days came back. Guilt.

After Becky had left my room, I began to feel the emptiness. I craved amethyst touch, I needed her and I know she needed me. I saw how she leaned into my touch and enjoyed the feel of it. I know she felt the bolt of electricity underneath her skin. As she closed her eyes, her lips slowly parted and I wished I had done that with mine. That's when I lost it. I couldn't help my self, I had to hold her, to know how she'll feel against me. I snaked my arm around her waist and she gasped. My eyes trained on her face tracing every single detail, memorizing her beauty until they settle in her eyes. Those calm eyes looked back in mine. I'm lost. Completely lost. Her arms trapped in between our bodies and I could feel them twitch. I mentally laughed she wanted to touch me as much as I touched her. For years I looked for girls with experiences but now all I want is her, her innocence, her beauty, her memories.

Her eyes showed something I couldn't quite read but I know she was uncertain. I leaned forward, resting my forehead on hers. If i should inhale her scent I won't be able to stop myself from taking her then and there. She has never done this before. I scolded myself. After having an inner battle with myself, the conscience I didn't know I had finally reasoned with me. I exhaled. Reluctantly, I pulled away, keeping a good distance between us I just stare at her. She looked confused and very much surprised.

I don't fail to catch the blush on her cheeks. She looked absolutely beautiful even when she blushed. My hands itching to grab her and kiss her senseless. She has never done this before. With one last look, I left her.

"Goodnight" I said. "Flower" I whisper.

Today, I had to attend a meeting with the council. Today, I needed no distractions, no problems. That meant I had to go over to David's.

Putting on a white long sleeved shirt, black pants and a black tie. I don't plan on running into Amethyst after our last encounter. It really seemed odd and awkwardness hangs in the air. I look at myself in the mirror and head out.

I got into my black SUV and drove off deep into the forest. I was quite surprised amethyst hadn't found his palace gates long ago. She was so close to reaching them when she escaped but alas she was too scared to realize it. She was always afraid.

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