A Story That Never Ends

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It's been a while and I'm really sorry. Here's the last chapter. The finale. The great ending to Tammy's story. I hope you all enjoyed going on this adventure with her. Thanks again.


I quickly took to the air. I concentrated very hard with every cell in my body to stop from being blown away by the breeze coming through the gaping doorway and shattered windows. As I flew above the fray and watched as Hogwartians were gaining the upper hand. Outside, there were roars from the giants and I heard centaurs and there were even more people from Hogsmeade coming in our aid.

I took out my wand and used it from above, silently sniping Death Eaters below me. I noticed a trail of Death Eaters crumple to the ground with no "noticeable" source. I knew it was Harry under the Invisibility Cloak. He was very brave and I was proud of him.

I glided into the Great Hall, the place everyone was moving into. There were some skirmishes here and there, but it was mostly an audience for the two battles taking place in the middle of the room.

Voldemort was dueling McGonagall, Slughorn, and Kingsley all at once. They dodged and sent spells at him, neither side gaining the upper hand. It was definitely something to watch.

A little ways from that duel, Bellatrix was still fighting against Hermione, Ginny, and Luna. They were all battling as hard as they could, but Bellatrix was equally matched. My heart almost sunk as a Killing Curse was shot at Ginny and she ducked just in time. She missed death by an inch. I was about to descend when I heard a roar of anger.


Mama bear herself, Mrs. Weasley, stormed her way towards Bellatrix Lestrange who roared with laughter which turned to a snarl as Mrs. Weasley slashed and twirled her wand. Jets of light sprang from both wands and the ground beneath both women became hot and cracked. They were both fighting to kill.

I was watching this and I was terrified yet excited at the same time. It was amazing to watch the fury of both women explode at each other.

"What will happen to your children when Mummy's gone like Freddie?" Bellatrix taunted, only making Mrs. Weasley fight harder and more fiercer.

"You will never touch our children again!" Mrs. Weasley screamed as Bellatrix laughed.

I came down slightly and whispered in her ear, "You will pay." She gasped and turned her ear. With her attention shifted, Mrs. Weasley took the opportunity and cast a curse just under Bellatrix's arm right at her heart.

Bellatrix froze and her eyes grew wide as she realized what had happened and fell to the ground.

The entire room burst into a cheer. Voldemort screamed and there was so much anger and evil that came from him that it sent McGonagall, Slughorn, and Kingsley flying backward. I knew this would be a huge blow for him and I was prepared to protect. I sent a wind to cushion the falls of the two professors and Kingsley just as I saw Voldemort raise his wand and aim it at Mrs. Weasley. He yelled the Killing Curse in a high pitched voice.

"PROTEGO!" I yelled, and so did someone else. The curse was absorbed by our dual shield.

Harry pulled off his cloak as I descended down next to him between Mrs. Weasley and Voldemort.

The hall erupted with noise and yelling. "Harry! Tammy! They're still alive!" But in fear, they were stifled as Harry and I started to circle Voldemort who stood in the middle of us. He looked between the two of us, but his attention was mainly on Harry.

"Tammy," Harry said. "I've got this, you make sure everyone is okay, I've got to do this myself." His eyes were completely focused.

"Oh now now, he doesn't really mean that," Voldemort said. "He needs his sister to protect him, like how you've been protecting him from me all year, which was very frustrating by the way," he said as he sneered at me.

I narrowed my eyes at him. "That's what you get for forcing me to do things I never wanted to do. You put me under the Imperius Curse, you sent me after my brother, you had me become a Death Eater because you wanted to exploit my powers," I snarled back as I heard a few gasps from the crowd. "You had to have known that I wouldn't go down without a fight."

As Harry and I came back together on the other side of the circle, we glanced at each other. He gave me a slight nod and I took to the wind. I didn't want to leave him there, but he was right, it was just supposed to be between the two of them.

I searched for Draco. I had complete faith in my brother. I spotted Draco with his parents sitting in a corner, trapped by onlookers. I scanned the crowd for any bad injuries, but it was so crowded I couldn't see much. I turned back to the duel.

Harry and Voldemort were now circling each other having a slight conversation. They were talking about the Elder Wand.

"The new master removed the wand from Dumbledore against his will, never realizing exactly what he had done, or that the world's most dangerous wand had given him its allegiance..." Harry said as Voldemort looked increasingly more agitated. He was ready to kill. "The true master of the Elder Wand was Draco Malfoy."

I whipped my head to look at Draco whose eyes grew wider at this news.

For a moment, Voldemort was shocked, but it was soon gone.

"What does it matter?" he said softly. "Even if you are right, Potter, it makes no difference to you and me. You no longer have the Phoenix wand: We duel on skill alone...and after I have killed you, I can attend to Draco Malfoy... and your precious sister as well"

His ego was so large I could pop it with a pin and hot air would come out of it. And if he ever dared to lay a finger on my Draco, I'd kill him.

"But you're too late," Harry said. "You've missed your chance. I got there first. I overpowered Draco weeks ago. I took this wand from him," he said as he raised the wand slightly. "So it all comes down to this, does that wand in your hand know that I had beaten its last master? Because if it does...then I am the true master of the Elder Wand."

A glow of red and gold burst across the enchanted ceiling and in through the windows. Just as the light fell onto both of their faces, they suddenly became blurs.

"Avada Kedavra!"


There was a loud bang and the hall erupted in golden flames as the two spells collided. The Elder Wand flew out of Voldemort's hand and soared through the air towards Harry. He caught it with his free hand and Voldemort fell back, his arms and robes splayed out around him.

It was over. It was finally over.

I descended down to Harry just as Ron and Hermione reached him. We hugged him in a giant group hug and soon we were swamped by many other arms and bodies.

The sun had finally peaked above the horizon to mark the dawn of a new age. Where fear no longer kept people in the dark and that peace and love reigned high.

The tables were put back and people were recovering and chatting and it was just full of life and laughter.

I made my way towards the Malfoys. When I got there, I was not expecting Mrs. Malfoy to stand up and hug me. Even Mr. Malfoy stood up and put his hand on my shoulder. When they let me go, I ran to Draco and he hugged me and kissed everywhere on my face. I was so happy to have him safe and we no longer had to be scared or run. It seemed like the Battle had been ages ago instead of hours.

I looked over at the door and saw Ron and Hermione slip out, they probably had Harry with them.

I was so happy and so tired. I sat on the bench in Draco's arms as we ate a little bit here and there and stole a few kisses. What a perfect way to end this story that never ended.


Thank you for staying with me till the end. As this story comes to an end, another will follow. This brings the end of my Tam Riddle Series and I hope you all enjoyed it. I did go back through and edit it majorly because I didn't like the character development so if you want to check it out you can. But thanks again for all the patience and frustration you had to go through. Until the next time, my friends.

Much Love

Courtney <3

Tam Riddle: The Story That Never Ends (HP Fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora