I Will

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I woke up in a dark room, probably somewhere in the Manor, or at least I hoped it was.

I tried to sit up, but when I tried to get my hands around to push me up, I found that they were bound by an invisible force.

"What the-" I started to say, but just as I did, I heard footsteps coming.

I laid back down in the position I had woken up in trying to make it look like I hadn't just gotten up.

Where the hell am I? And who in the name of Merlin's beard knocked me out?

The footsteps were coming closer and closer. They stopped just outside the door. It was a few moments before the door was opened.

The next thing I know, cold water came splashing down on my face.

"AGH!!!" I yelled and I started sputtering and spitting water out of my mouth.

I glared at the shoes in front of me but then realization hit. I was glaring at shiny black combat boots.

"Well, well, well, it's been a long time eh Draco?" the same annoying voice said with an obvious smirk visible in her tone of voice.

"Why am I here bound on the floor of a dark room, Lamia?" I scoffed as I rolled over to look up at her.

"The Dark Lord has intentions for you," she said. The blood in my veins suddenly became ice cold.

"So why am I tied up?" I said in a quiet voice.

"No reason, I just wanted to play kidnapper," she said with a smirk.

I let out a breath I hadn't realized I was holding and rolled my eyes and scowled at her.

"So what are the Dark Lord's intentions for me then hm?" I asked.

"How should I know? I was just supposed to get you," she said as she inspected her nails.

I scowled once again at the Goth looming over me.

"Can you let me go now?"

"Why? Are you so enthusiastic to see the Dark Lord? Gonna try and get your family back into his high favors?" she said in a mocking tone.

My blood started to boil. "You better let me out now or I'll-"

"Or you'll what?" she asked raising an eyebrow. "You are unarmed and bound on the ground; you can't do anything to me."

I had realized a couple minutes ago that my legs weren't bound, so I kicked my leg out and knocked her off her feet. Pretty good move right? I showed her right? Yea it was pretty cool, but the only thing I didn't think of was how she was gonna fall. And so she fell right on top of me...elbow first.

The breath was knocked out of me and she was awfully heavy for such a skinny looking person.

"Geroff!" I yelled through a mouth full of her hair.

"Your fault ass wipe," she said as she punched me in the stomach. It wasn't that hard but it still hurt.

"Now unbind me dammit!" I shouted at her.

"Fine fine," she said as she took out her wand and with a flick of her hand the bonds tightened on my wrists.

"Agh! Stop being an ass, Knight!"

"Hmph," and with another flick, the bonds were gone. I started rubbing my wrists as I was getting up off the ground.

"Where is the Dark Lord?" I asked, still rubbing my wrists.

"Where he always is numb nuts, the study," she said as she spun around and walked away.

I glared at her before turning in the other direction and making my way to the study.

When I got to the door, I knocked and waited for a reply.

"Come in," an icy voice said.

I turned the knob and opened the door.

"Ah, Draco, you finally see fit to come and grace me with your presence?" his tone was mocking and it stung.

"I'm sorry my Lord, I was kept up by Lamia Knight," I said as I dipped into a bow.

"Doesn't matter. You should have been here an hour ago. But it doesn't matter, I have some very disappointing news," he said as he rose from his chair and turned to look out the window.

"What do you mean, my Lord?" I asked as I stood frozen to the spot.

"It seems that Tammy is no longer fighting alongside us, I'm afraid she has agreed to fight against us."

"How do you know, my Lord?" I asked and again my blood froze in my veins.

"She left a note on the desk, she apparently knows that Harry Potter is in fact her twin brother, but then again, you already knew that didn't you." It was a statement not a question, so I stayed silent. "I haven't got a single idea where she has gone, but I do know where she will end up."

"Where is that, my Lord?"

"Hogwarts, of course." His voice sounded thoughtful like he was talking more to himself than to me.

But if she does intend to go to Hogwarts, where would she go? And if she does go, that means the Final Battle will be soon, very soon.

"This is why I called you here Draco," he said as he turned to me. "You know her best and she trusts you. So what I want you to do is, go back to Hogwarts and wait for her. And when she does reveal herself, I want you to kill her; she is a traitor and a very powerful enemy. Can you do that, Draco?" he was very serious and his eyes bore into mine and I swear it was like he could see in to my soul. "If you kill her, your family will be restored to their rightful power stature by my side."

What he didn't understand was that it went further than that. I couldn't kill her and he would never understand why. He never knew the concept of love and how far people would go to fight for it. I wasn't going to do it, I couldn't. But in that moment, I feared for my life. So the next words that came out of my mouth were the worst I have ever said in my entire life.

"I will kill Tammy, my Lord."


So here it is. It's been four months but I thought I should help Tammy along and try to get her story finished at least sometime before next year. I am so terribly sorry for being a dummy and not uploading another chapter in forever. Forgive me? ;-; Also I brought Lamia back because we haven't seen her in a while.

Much Love,

Courtney <3

Tam Riddle: The Story That Never Ends (HP Fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz